Original Christianity Before Organized Religion

And he sent them to preach the kingdom of God, and to heal the sick.

What You Need To Know... About Everything

Click on the titles at the top of each article and all hyperlinked words for more information.

Compiled by Ken Nagele


Search This Site



2020 Stolen Election

ASK Updates... That Never Were


Baltimore Bridge Collapse


Biblical Research and Archeology


Child Trafficking

Civil War

Clones and Trump Time Travel


Conscientious Objection

Dating, Marriage, Male Leadership & Female Voting




Disease & Good Health (Alkalinity / Acidosis)

Dr. Ernest L. Martin (ASK)

Earth Homes

Electro Horticulture

Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT)

End Times

End-Time Prophecies

Exemplary Life


Golden Age

Health Insurance

Independent News Sources

Is Satan Alive And Well?

Life After Trump Returns

JFK, Jr.

Jump-Start Your Life

Just Who Are You?

Kingdom of God

Marriage, Divorce, and Living Together

Maui Massacre

Med Beds

Middle Class Repentance

Movie & TV Programs


Nuclear Bombs May Not Exist

Oldies Music

Pandemics and Genocide

Passion of the Christ


Phones for Learning?

Reading the Bible


Republic vs Corporation (Which is the USA?)




Scalar Healing Technolgy (Healing / Disease)

Science (Flat earth refutation, UFO's, etc.)

Search Engines


Sovereignty of God


Temple Mount

The Chosen

There Are People Who Understand This Knowlege Worldwide



Truisms That Most People Don't Know

Trump Timetable (Check for updates daily)


Ukraine War



What Happens When You Die?

Where Are God's Prophets Today?

Will Life Get Better Or Worse Before The Second Coming? (Golden Age)

World Power Structure (Illuminati / Deep State)

Wrongful Convictions (Jury Duty)


If you want to understand what is going on behind the scenes, this movie explains everything.



The Biggest Conspiracy EXPOSED



Killing the Mockingbird


Donald Trump - The Outlier (Full Documentary)


What Happens When You Die?

The Bible says there is no heaven. And there is no hell mentioned, either. However, there is "eternal life." How, when and where we obtain that "eternal life" is the big question.

The subject is clearly explained in the Bible. The answer will surprise most Christians.


Will Life Get Better Or Worse Before The Second Coming?

The Golden Age

Most people think life is getting worse. But the Bible says it will get better before the seccond coming or end times.

Are you ready for the Golden Age? Also read about NESARA/GESARA which may be the catalyst for the Golden Age.


End-Time Prophecies

Are we in the end times? Many say yes. But what does the Bible say? Read the complete list of events that must happen first that are not even on the horizon.

And do all prophecies happen in three's?


Is Satan Alive And Well?

Just what does he look like? Does he really rule the world? Is he insane? Was he created evil from the very beginning?

Be sure to read our Illuminati page to understand how Satan controls the world, with God's permission. Also read, God's Illuminati, to understand why God allows this to occur.


There Are People Who Understand This Knowledge Worldwide 

They are scattered around the world. They are connected through the Internet by a bond of similar beliefs on important issues. They practice what they preach — by doing rather than just gathering facts. Check us out. We are the ASSOCIATES ONLINE EKKLESIA. We practice original Christianity before organized religion.

Check out more on Dr. Ernest L. Martin, our mentor.

Are you a misfit? Maybe you are already one of us. 


Just Who Are You?

Do you know who you really are? Why are you here? And what is your final destination? Do you know how to lead a Christian life? Most religious groups either fail to address these questions biblically or rely on man-made doctrines instead.



Dr. Ernest L. Martin

Many articles, audio teachings and videos on almost any subject. All written from an independent, non-denominational perspective. Read ESSENTIALS OF NEW TESTAMENT DOCTRINE here. He was the former head of theology for the Worldwide Church of God and resigned when the church would no longer follow scriptural teachings.

His first book, then titled THE BIRTH OF CHRIST RECALCULATED, garnered a full page review in the Los Angeles Times newspaper, a feat never achieved before then or since. Dr. Martin proved beyond a shadow of a doubt that Christ was born on September 11 of 3 BCE, late in the afternoon.

Dr. Martin then went on to publish many other books and articles. His last book that he wrote, THE TEMPLES THAT JERUSALEM FORGOT, is yet to be publically endorsed. It proves that the Temple was located 1/3 of a mile south of the Wailing Wall. A political bombshell if there ever was one.

I have the distinction of attending all of his classes held in the Pasadena, California, area. I'm apparently the last active student to be taught by him. And I was the yougest person in the class by at least 10 years. Dr. Martin passed in 2002.

Read more about Dr. Martin here. His website is located here.


Biblical Research and Archeology


Biblical research and archeology by the ASSOCIATES ONLINE on almost every subject.



Everything of a scientific nature that may not be as we've been taught. Flat earth (disproved,) UFO's, German disks, aliens, and a long list of other controversial subjects are covered. Click here for qauntum computers.


Independent News Sources 

I highly recommend the first 6 sites listed below.

1. Real Raw News The ONLY legitimate unofficial military White Hat "leak" site, revealing official approved information from General Smith's office. General Smith is the head of the White Hat faction of the military, replacing General Berger (who is now Trump's official liason with the military, stationed at Mar-a-Lago.) Approximately 500 Generals and/or Admirals report to him or directly to Commander-in-Chief Donald J. Trump.

Read about what is really going on that most other sites are afraid to publish.

Read Skeptics to understand why this controversial page is true despite its legal disclaimer to the contrary. Nothing in our world is going to change until all of the evil people are removed and that is what the military White Hats have been tasked with.

President Trump has said all along that he was going to "drain the swamp." This RRN website is the proof that it is happening now.

2. Michael Jaco (and here) An extraordinary Navy Seal with a CIA background, remote viewer, Trump supporter, and Christian. Offers insight into what is going on.

3. Derek Johnson (and here) Former military, Trump supporter, popular country singer, and Christian. Derek Johnson explains what is going on from a military law perspective. Military law supercedes U.S. constitutional law, as the military was created before the country was legally formed.

He says he does not have any inside information as to what is going on behind the scenes. But as he says, "You really don't need to know the latest inside information. The military doesn't give out its secrets."

He's met President Trump and has been to Mar-a-Lago 9 times.

His articles and videos are here and here and here and here and here and here and here and here and here and here and here and here and here and here and here and here and here on Facebook for reading.

4. Redacted Surprisingly good independent analysts.

5. Scott Ridder Excellent military analyst (but NOT a Trump supporter nor has any knowledge of what is going on behind the scenes.)

6. Col. Douglas Macgregor Excellent military analyst (but NOT a Trump supporter nor has any knowledge of what is going on behind the scenes.)


Judy Byington Her track record for predictions is extremely poor, but her other information is sometimes informative.

Humerous Mathematics  A great resource for behind the scenes news, photos, and videos. Are you watching the movie?

Truth Social   Support President Trump!

UPDATE: Is CNN now under White Hat Control? Watch this CNN plug for General Flynn's new movie.

Now, as for all of the other dozens of commentators online, how can you know who is telling the truth and has a good grasp on the overall situation? Just see if they make any reference to Real Raw News or to the news of military tribunals  and hangings. If they are silent on this subject, then they don't have a clue.

Likewise, if they do not make reference to God being in control, they are also not getting the big picture.

AMG-AMERICAN MEDIA FILES-GITMO FILES Similar to Real Raw News, which is obviously where they get much if not all of their news from. Still, some of their other articles are worthy of review.

SG Anon Provides good commentary. However, he also subscribes to end-time prophecy playing out now, and also a possible alien/UFO injection (which may be valid.) He has an undisclosed mentor that is feeding him. And he has only mentioned REAL RAW NEWS once (most do not mention it at all.) To his credit, he does believe that JFK, Jr. is alive.

Conspiracy Daily Update   Draws from AMG (above.)

Dr. Robert O. Young Latest vaccine and health research blog. Also here on Rumble.

George Owned by JFK, Jr. Read between the lines. Also on Facebook and as Gene Ho.

Patriot Underground - This is the best explanation as to what will happen to the US after Trump returns.

GITMO TV Tribunals for Justice.

Top 50 Articles A section of Before It's News is provided for your entertainment, not necessarily for your education. The BIN site was founded in 2008 by dot com investor and Falun Gong practitioner Chris Kitze. Note that the link descriptions are usually not even close to what is actually on the videos or articles. 

The now infamous Tucker Carlson/Putin interview transcript was advertised days before the actual interview was aired. As it turned out, nothing in the transcript was actually in the interview. It was totally bogus. But Before It's News continued to list it as if it was legitimate. So much for their integritiy. Read their ridiculous excuse here.

Few of the commentators they link seem to have anything worthwhile to say, and none of them have any true "inside" contacts. Once in a great while you will find a real gem (and here) however. Click here for their classic layout.

Real News and History

Independent News International

Timothy Holmsteath Reports

The Deplorable Patriot

7 Compelling Documentories You Should Watch

Cornelia Unfiltered Excellent Swedish research into global affairs behind the scenes. Sweden now under U.S. Military control.

Coast to Coast AM has been providing entertaining radio programs every night (plus on their website) for decades. Everything from UFOs to the unexplained. But they sidestep the political issues of the day.

Watch the movies below.




The Biggest Conspiracy EXPOSED



Killing the Mockingbird



A White Hat Movie


Donald Trump - The Outlier (Full Documentary)


More News Sources

Note that most of the video commentators listed below do not have their finger on what is going on behind the scenes and are just speculating at best (and neither do the hundreds of other commentators not listed here.)

The recent Brunson/SCOTUS debacle also proves that none of these people have the answers. The popular and humble commentator known as "SG Anon" is the only commentator who has issued an appology for his part in the Brunson/SCOTUS debacle. Only God really knows what is going to happen.

  1. Mike King PDFs


  3. All News Pipeline

  4. The People's Voice

  5. Stop World Control

  6. The Real Truth Network

  7. Great Awakening

  8. Daily Mail Sensational news that can be assumed to be covertly controlled by MI5/6 and the cabal/deep state, but occassionally prints nuggets of truth.

  9. Canadian Prepper

  10. Pandemic News

  11. Marilyn Williams Well rounded commentary.

  12. David Zublick - Dark Outpost. And here. John Walsh and JFK.

  13. Miles W. Mathis - While not really a source for daily news, his commentary on controversial subjects is worthy of review. He presents a new way of viewing subjects that is entirely "outside of the box." Also here and here and here. His commentary on the Israeli war is worthy of review.

  14. Tucker Carlson - Recently earns high points for bringing some important stories to the masses and has been fired because of it. He is the most professional and credible mainstream news commentator online or in the national media. Watch his latest on YouTube here. He is also now on Twitter.

  15. Jeff Rense - He's been around for decades.

  16. Life According to Marz - Prince Charles?

  17. Disaster News

  18. Strange Sounds


Maui Massacre

GOTIN - Get Off The Island Now

Maui is the latest US area to be targeted by the Black Hats in a combination of controlled FEMA/National Guard/local police and fire department crimes. The decimated island goes from bad to worse as innocent survivors are shot and every effort to curtail relief for the victims is instituted.

Read the only truthful news about what has really happened - and will no doubt will be replicated in other parts of the country in the near future: Real Raw News and AMG News. Read all of the other RRN Maui articles, too. Skeptics can click here. Watch this new video on the Maui massacre - and this one, too. Note that some of these DEW devices are on planes and drones under Black Hat control and also Chinese control.

Watch this YouTube video. Read this well written article on the truth of the situation. Further videos will be posted as they become available. Click here for the Yandex search list of pertinent sites to click on.

Read the latest update on the Maui situation here.

Also, if you know anyone in Maui, I would advise them that they evacuate to the mainland right now. The Black Hats created this massacre weeks ago and they are still in control of the island. No substantial aid has been provided. There is no water (FEMA water is making everyone sick, even when boiled.) No communications. No food. No power. And no temporay housing. The air is not fit to breathe. No masks are being distributed. No escape allowed.

Two thousand children are missing. And their parents are not even asking where they are. There is no official census of survivors and missing people. Authorities are not letting people leave. Why?

It is a typical war zone.

Worse, while the White Hats did make an initial attempt to neutralize the situation, it was too little. So far there is no word on whether a major takeover is to be attempted by the White Hats. Until that happens, there is no point in anyone remaining. This is a desparate situation for all of the survivors.

Just in. Another White Hat rescue has now been attempted. Hopefully, more will come. But the situation still does not look good. Help does not seem to be on the way.

Read about the Maui war zone here and here. DEW fires are being set worldwide. Expert arborist questions Maui fire. Underground faciities in Maui. The White Hats are doing their best at containing the situation. But when you have no water, food, income, housing, and the authorities are not acting in your best interests, residents need to leave until the situation is reversed. You cannot fight this war on your own.

NOTE: There are some unsettling questions being asked here regarding the Space Force and celebrities. Also, here and here.

UPDATE: Maines have eliminated most FEMA personnel in Maui. And it is possible that the Chinese set the fires with their DEW satelite. Or maybe the Black Hats of the U.S. did it?

GOTIN - Get Off The Island Now





Yes, it was an inside job. If you don't understand how that could be, you will never understand what is going on in the world today.


Jump-Start You Life

Are you happy with where you are in life? Are you in a place where you can help other people? Do you have the finances and the time to help others? Do you know that the word JOB actually stands for Just Over Broke?

Or are you hung up on religious notions that this is how God wants you to live? And if you give away your last dime to help someone else God will reward you while you neglect your family's basic needs?

Maybe you need to make some changes and jump-start your life! All of this is biblically based.


The issue of child trafficking is so pervasive and so horiffic, I hesitate to even comment on it. Stealing children is bad enough, but what they do to them after that is simply unspeakable. Watch this video. It's the best one out there.

"They" are the elite of society, the cabal, including previous presidents. Even Child Protection Services are pure evil, as are Family Courts.

Please watch this video first and then click here for more information.

President Trump and the military have all of the evidence. More links are here, here, here, here, here, here, and here. Watch this Jeffrey Epstein video here. Here are all of the remaining websites on the subject. Also here and here.

Check out the White Hat track record on child trafficking on REAL RAW NEWS. Even under the White House. Children are also used for adrenochrome harvesting - under torture. Watch this video and the Sound of Freedom movie, still in the theaters.

Note that child sacrifice has been existence in every civilization down through history, and is even mentioned in the Bible.

Read the names on the Epstein island flight logs.


Clones and Trump Time Travel

For most people the word "clone" brings up images of science fiction movies. Surely no one believes that they actually exist in real life today.

But actually they do. In addition to traditional doubles and stand-ins, clones can now be made to order, usually several at a time. And they are age appropriate. They get hung up in a special storage closet, like a suit on a hangar. One's memories and character are downloaded onto a computer and then uploaded into the new clone as needed.

Many people who are still running around today are in reality, clones (or doubles or stand-ins.) The real (original) person has since died. Clones are not 100% perfect and often have malfunctions in speech and movement, resulting in a short lifespan. They've been making them since 1938.

Learn more here and here and here and here and here and here and here and here and here and here and here. Learn how to identify a real clone. Learn about Biden here. And yes, the real Hillary was hung at GITMO. Skeptics may click here.

Clones are only manufactured by the Black Hats/Deep State. Any White Hat clones that may appear were manufactured by the Black Hats/Deep State in order to cause confusion. Clones can be identified by their eventual breakdown in operation after a few years. And by a lack of gentitals. They are not considered human beings and military personnel are authorized to shoot them on the spot.

Click here to learn about Trump's time travel (video). Is that Donald Trump shaking hands with... former President JFK? Watch it on Amazon.

So, if this is true, what does this mean to us who anxiously await his return?

How about the following:

  1. Since Trump has been to the future, he already knows how things are going to turn out. He's seen it; and he's experienced it.

  2. This is why he is so confident about his court battles and his re-election as President; and is not concerned for his own personal safety.

  3. This is why he keeps saying, "Follow the plan," and why "Where we go one we go all" is so popular.

  4. As if this is not astonishing enough, there is also remote viewing (into the future) through Project Looking Glass.

So, what do we need to do in the meantime? Make some popcorn and watch the movie. And watch this video.


Our Commission

Christ's commission to the apostles was to "heal the sick and to preach the gospel of the kingdom of God." By preaching the gospel we are effectively telling people what their ultimate destiny is to eventually become part of the God Family.

No one is doing this today, individually or collectively, even though those instructions are just as applicable to us individually today as they were to the apostles back then. We do not need a direct commission (page 4 #6) from God to preach the gospel or to provide healing knowledge to the sick.



The dead are truly dead, awaiting their proper time of resurrection. Their memories and character are still intact under God's protection. Any alleged visitations or communications from them in our lifetime are purely demonic manifestations. Death is described in the Bible as a deep sleep. Nowhere in the Bible is the concept of going to heaven, hell, or being reincarnated promoted.



Most of what you see and learn in life is not as it seems. We are all blinded by various false truths and half-truths, sometimes by God Himself. Our educational systems initiate the lies, and our news sources perpetuate them for life. Our organized religions then endorse the lies. Few people are capable of true discernment (the ability to tell truth from lies, right from wrong, and good from bad.) And this applies equally to men and women. Ask for wisdom, now.

Read Helping Others See Truth for a biblical understanding of opening one's eyes.


Disease & Good Health
(Alkalinity / Acidosis)

All disease starts in the body, not somewhere else. There is only one disease: acidosis. All other so-called diseases are simply the symptoms of the particular manner in which acidosis is manifesting itself in their particular body. Alkalization of the body is the key.

There are only three causes of body tissue acidity: a. The Standard American Diet, which is totally acidic,( and a host of other diets, like the carnivore diet) b. Outside poisons (toxins, smoking, wireless radiation, improper dental procedures, and vaccinations,) c. Unresolved emotional issues (here and here and here and here and here and here.)

Other forms of energy healing and/or testing, such as "muscle testing" may be demonic, or at best, erratic.

The average allopathic doctor has little-to-no knowledge of how the body actually works as it is barely taught in medical school. They don't know how to treat disease symptoms holistically without using their dangerous and ineffective drugs or by dangerous surgeries or radiation. Especially with cancer.

Worse, most "alternative" health practitioners do not approach healing from a natural holistic viewpoint either, preferring to promote only their particular occupational specialty while ignoring all other avenues of healing (like a simple alkaline diet change that will change the bodies environment,) or addressing the mind and the spirit of the patient, too (which will also change the bodies environment.)

I might also recommend Dr. Barbara O'Neill. Her websites, videos and reels are a blessing to those in need of alternative help and education.

For those who are students of the Bible, the prophet Daniel is noted for impressing King Nebuchadnezzar with not only his and his friend's excellent (alkaline) health, but their subsequent abitilities in wisdom and judgement that were ten times better than all of the others.

Are you sick of being sick? Maybe you need some ozone? Read the testimonials here.

The secret to good health has been kept a secret throughout most of history. The Bible gives us the guidelines for good holistic health. Independent researchers, down through the ages, have verified them. Our attitude about what constitutes good health and treating illness is really a spiritual issue; a glorification (or defilement) of God's temple.

Lyme disease is discused here.

Do you need to jump-start your personal or professional life?





There are only three causes of cancer:

  1. The Standard American Diet (which is totally acidic.)

  2. Outside poisons (toxins, smoking, wireless radiation, improper dental procedures, and all vaccinations.)

  3. Unresolved emotional issues (here and here and here and here and here and here.)

Dr. Otto Warberg of Germany was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize twice for his discovery of what causes cancer in 1938. Yet the cancer industry continues to ignore his findings. The prevelant poison, cut, and radiate treatments are worse than the disease itself - and do not address the root cause of the disease.

Click here for the largest alternative information on the Internet.


Scalar Healing Technology



DISCLAIMER: While there are some testimonials of healings made online, some very dramatic, and the theory behind it all seems feasible, I am not conviced that this is a prudent healing endeavor. I know of people who have spent hours (and thousands of dollars) in this treatment with no success in their healing. The centers offer no method of documentation of internal tissue voltage restoration, which is what the objective of the scalar waves is supposed to be.

Also, some of these centers are now branching out into other healing modalities for which they are totally untrained and inexperienced in. A facility in Norco, CA, recently charged a friend of ours $395 for what was supposed to be a COVID detox. What she got instead was a 45 minute Reiki session, done by the facility owner who had NO experience in this healing modality.

Which begs the question, if the scalar wave technology is so effective, why do you need other forms of healing?

Read about scalar healing technology here and here. Note that there are NO claims of healing made by the manufacturer or by the local treatment centers. Nor by this website.

The object is to use scalar waves to rejuvenate cell voltage to -70 to -90 millivolts, which can be measured (and here.)

Testimonials here and here (and here) on Facebook. Scalar technology conference video here.

Watch all of the videos and testimonials on all of these links, especially this one. Energy Enhancement System is the manufacturer of this equipment.

Click here and here and here to understand exactly what scalar waves really are.

Click here for study on how people feel when they spend 2 hours in a scalar room.

Click here for a search for scalar room healings and here for case studies and here for testimonials. More might be found here.

Click here for a description of all of the other healing modalities offered at the Norco facility.



God is the creator of all things, both good and evil. This is a hard concept for most people to accept, but is well documented in the Bible. Satan the Devil (created evil by God) was appointed by God to rule over the world until Christ's return. Christ never challenged Satan's authority over the world when tempted by Satan.

Note that all of the evil people in the world, especially those in power or influencing positions, are in some way satanically influenced.

Read these assumptions about Satan. Is this a picture of Satan? Is Satan alive and well? How pervasive is freemasonry today?


Sovereignty of God

The Bible says that God ultimately selects world leaders (both good and evil) and controls world situations as He sees fit. He also sets the boundries of countries. We don't always understand why God does certain things. God is the creator of evil. And God's ways are not our ways.

Below is the World Power Structure. Note that there is also an additional power level that may exist between God (and Christ and Satan and the angelic beings) and the Illuminati/Deep State/Cabal and the good-guy White Hat Alliance.

This power level consists of celestial/alien beings which we sometimes "...see through a glass, darkly..." and exist at a galactic level that we do not see or understand clearly.

Also read the Trump Timetable.


World Power Structure



The world power structure under Satan has been cloaked in mystery since biblical times. Only now is it's behind-the-scenes presence starting to be revealed, often referred to as the "government-behind-the-government, globalists, the cabal, Deep State, Illuminati, Phoenicians, the left, the New World Order, globalists" and the "Illuminati." Read more of the many criminal/Black Hat organizations here. Watch this video, The Plan to Save The World.

The concept of "conspiracies" is denigrated in our society, despite the examples of them in the Bible. Are we "fear mongers"?

We are all collectively responsible for this evil state of affairs by allowing these criminals to exist and thrive. Presently, a "devolution" and "military-sting" are clandestinely operating by good-guys (aka, White Hats) to save the world. President Trump has been active doing things most people have no knowledge of. It is a fluid situation with no set timetable, and ultimately a spiritual problem involving us all. God is still in control and is awaiting our repentance. Watch "The Fall of the Cabal". Watch this video on Trump's behind the scenes activities and here for the Alliance.

Military law is now running the U.S. Watch Derek Johnson. Then look for his latest video and his articles here and here and here. Nothing is going to change until the military goes public with its arrests, tribunals, and executions (REAL RAW NEWS and also on AMG NEWS.) And there may well be an alien influence associated with the cabal. Read this article on where we are right now.

Read about the White Hat Alliance here. Read about the Black Hat plan for depopulation here. Watch this Q video. And watch this recent movie on the JFK assassination.

Top Naval commanders drop anchor and refuse to obey Biden's orders. They now only recognize Trump as their Commander in Chief.

Also, it is becoming apparent that the enemies of the U.S.A. that you may have to interact with are most of the 3 letter government agencies. Antifa, BLM, Chinese troops and criminals from dozens of countries coming across the Mexican border, and of course the Black Hats, both civilian and miltary.

I am also now postulating that the White Hats don't have their program as well thought out as it should have been. I see no way that the expected announcement of the "10 days of darkness" is going to play out without rioting and bloodshed if the Internet is shut down. And the GITMO tribunal process seems to be hopelessly bogged down. Worse, their whole approach seems to be reactive instead of proactive. I predict that some major changes are going to have to be made soon.

Watch this DEW video. Note that these weapons are controlled Black Hats and White hats alike. The one used in Maui was either Chinese or one of our own (off-the-books) planes contolled by the Black Hats.

Note, also, that the present legal problems of Donald Trump will not prevent him from regaining the Presidency. And the January 6th charge against him has now cleared his name as the newly released full footage clearly shows that there was no planned insurrection provoked by him. Is God backing Trump? Here is what Trump says. Watch the incredible movie below and read the Trump Timetable and the Soverignty of God.



The Biggest Conspiracy EXPOSED

Killing the Mockingbird

Donald Trump - The Outlier (Full Documentary)



Pandemic Genocide Vaccinations 





Pandemics are imaginary and are based on centuries old faulty virus science. Disease-causing viruses do not fly through the air. Amazingly, even those health professionals who speak out against the pandemic are afraid to tell the whole truth.

Vaccinations for these imaginary viruses are all poison and have always been a fraud. Many people die or are seriously injured from them. They are even considered a satanic form of child sacrifice, which has been going on since the beginning of time. Watch the Protocol 7 trailer.

The present worldwide pandemic is considered to be genocidal and is designed to work in tandem with the new (weaponized) 5G microwave telcom system that came out at the very same time. Ironically, people injured by the so-called vaccines or by the 5G microwaves fail to make the connection. Click here, here, and here to find out what these deadly transmissions are capable of and how they relate to the pandemic.

Life insurance payoffs have more than doubled since the latest vaccinations started. Many sports athletes are collapsing, and young people are having heart attacks (average age 23,) but no one is making the connection. Healthy pilots are in short supply because they refuse to take the shot and are fired. Those that do take the shot are having severe reactions that they cover up and continue to jeopardize the planeloads of people by still flying in an unhealthy state.

20 million are dead and possibly 2 billion injured worldwide.

Read about the doctors and nurses being tried for crimes against humanity by the military. Watch this video where President Trump advised in his State of the Nation address, that people should take the safe medicines for COVID, not the subsequent deadly vaccination.

Detox links are here. Watch this Tucker Carlson video on the subject. And here, too.

UPDATE: The "zombie" factor in the shots may soon be activated.



Many people today talk about "God Given Rights." But according to the Bible, we only have one right the eventual inclusion of all of humanity into the God Family. All other so-called rights are actually gifts from God, including the gift of life itself.

And Constitutional rights are only as good as the people charged with upholding them. When they refuse to do that, then the military has an obligation to protect the nation from all enemies, both foreign and domestic. Their intervention (as in martial law) is totally justifiable and legal.




Yes, they do exist. It is no longer a fringe topic and is now discussed even in the controlled mainstream news media (MNM.) There are tons of UFO related links. Some craft are ours. Read more here and here and here and here (on German discs.) Read about the different alien races. Read about the latest UFO sightings on Coast to Coast AM and MUFON. Watch as Dr. Steven Greer exposes everything.


The Trinity


Nowhere in the Bible does the word "trinity" exist, nor is the concept of a trinity godhead revealed. None of the apostles ever used it in the opening salutations of their respective books.

Deceptively, it obscures the true understanding of our ultimate destination in life the eventual inclusion of all of humanity into the God Family.

Most Christian preachers will tell you that is pure heresy. And most churches continue to make this doctrine a cornerstone of their beliefs. Watch this video on how the trinity was added to the Bible.


Exemplary Life

Our job as Christians is to set an example to the world by leading a peaceful, Godly life, by doing good works, and relying on God for all of our needs and for our individual and collective protection.

This is why God says to stay inside our homes in times of trouble, not to pick up a sword to fight troubles. Nor are we to participate in (offensive or defensive) warfare that God Himself may have even initiated.

Read about toxic masculinity here. Read about wisdom here.

You shall know them by their fruits... Matthew 7:16-20 NLT.


Trump Timetable

Life After Trump Returns

10/21/2024: Voter ID is GONE! So is the fabric of our country.

10/20/2024: The voting fraud has started. Read The Steal is Real. Realistically, why should this election be any different than 2020? No one went to jail because of the fraud of it. No investigation was ever conducted. In fact, the only credible thing ever done was the investigative movie "2000 Mules". Few saw it and no one even remembers it or mentions it at this point. And now we have millions more illegals who will probably be allowed to (illegally) vote. Is this all being allowed (by the white hats) as a prelude to eventual (white hat) military martial law? Trump has always said he was not coming back in the normal way. And he is still (and will continue to be) the legal Commander-in-Chief (even after the election is over.) Expect anything to happen.

As if the election isn't crazy enough, there is the ongoing Brunson brothers Supreme Court case. A verdict for the brothers will literally dissolve Congress overnight, including the President and Vice-President:

10/12/2024: Donald Trump - The Outlier (Full Documentary)

10/11/2024: October surprise. And we are now in civil war.

10/04/2024: Why haven't we seen military trubunals yet?

10/01/2024: 25,000 White Hat Troops Dispatched to Swing State Polls. Walz befriended school shooters.

09/30/2024: General Flynn's latest update.

09/27/2024: Gene Decode updates. Latest Real Raw News arrest article (and the first to be censored by Facebook.)

09/25/2024: Mass casualty event? Congress to cancel election?

09/24/2024: Will the elections be cancelled? And are the White Hats Prepared?

09/22/2024: World War III to be avoided? Michael Jaco on money laundering.

09/15/2024: Another assassination attempt today.

09/14/2024: Split in military? Civil War Within the United States Military? Read about it here. Watch Michael Jaco here.

09/13/2024: Is Joe Biden still alive? Is he the Commander-in-Chief? Read here, here, and here.

09/11/2024: The yearly anniversary of 9/11 continues - with the truth still suppressed.

09/10/2024: Read, You Are Watching A Movie. Then watch this video about mRNA structures in your blood stream. Then watch the lost Trump interview.

09/01/2024: For those who are not quite getting what is going on and are living in fear, watch Derek Johnson who explains it all. And if you haven't seen Reagen, we highly recommend it.

08/27/2024: So, why did Trump select Vance instead of the expected JFK, Jr. for his Vice President candidate? Was it just a repeat of 2016 with Trump selecting Deep Staters in general to let them expose themselves by their actions, including pedophile Pence as VP?

Or was it right there in front of our noses the whole time? According to Julian Assange, it was because JFK, Jr. was ALREADY the Vice-President of the United States for America. And he has been VP ever since Trump changed the legal status from the previous incorporated United States back to the Republic for which it stands. Read more about this here. Watch this video for a better understanding.

And if you are not up to speed on JFK, Jr., click here.

Click here for more information on the Republic versus the Corporation and how Trump changed it back to it's roots.

So, the bottom line is that Vance is the VP nominee for the United States of America (the corporation,) not for the United States for America (the replublic.) This will all be made public at some point in the very near future.

08/25/2024: An event of epic proportions has occurred while the world sleeps. RFK, Jr. has endorsed Trump despite there still being some major differences between them. RFK, Jr. brings a lot to the table. His lifelong stance against Big Pharma and corrupt regulatory health agencies is his legacy. And this is exactly what Trump's MAGA needs. Trump has promised that he will use RFK, Jr. in his administration. Watch these two moving videos, here and here, as two giants join forces. This is the way good, honest politics should be.

08/16/2024: Watch Operation Hammer, Arrest Wars and White Hats Military: 450,000 Sealed Indictments, Thousands of JAG Tribunals, Trials, Sentencing, and Executions. Then watch this Martial Law update.

08/08/2024: Watch this latest update from SG Anon. Maybe we all need to repent? Watch this incredible interview of Col. McGreggor by Tucker Carlson.

08/03/2024: Watch this Tucker Carlson interview with MTG. She is the last patriotic person left in Congress.

07/31/2024: Michael Jaco exposes the Trump Assassination attempt. To fully understand the assassination attempt, watch the new movie, JFK X on Tubitv and on Prime. Read this excellent article on what really happened and who were the real players.

Patriots in control at the the highest positions of world governments (USA, Russia, and China.)

07/23/2024: Secret Service Director Kimberly Cheatle is arrested for her part in the Trump assassination plot. And rumors are Joe Biden (or the actor playing him) will step down from the presidency.

07/21/2024: Trust the PLAN. And God. It's all we've got. Questions continue to arise over Vance and no doubt other Deep Staters to come. Here and here.

Oh, and on the issue of who betrayed who during Trump's first term on the COVID vaccine, read this and this. Trump has always had our back. And he knows the difference between right and wrong.

And Biden announces he will withdrawl from the presidential race, but will still be President to the end of his term.

07/19/2024: Watch Derek Johnson explain EVERYTHING! And here.

Last night's spectacular $250 million RNC was an impressive array of speakers and music. Trump's usual speech was well received. However, mysteriously missing from the final on-stage lineup of the entire Trump family was Barron Trump. His previous political appearance proved that he was very popular. No explanation has been offered for this absense from this most historical Trump family lineup. Why would he miss that?

Here are a few other anamolies to note:

1. During Trump's speech, it is announced by Newsmax that Biden will withdrawl from seeking re-election. Furthermore, he said that he would not endorse Harris. There is no further confirmation on that subject.

2. Popular commentator and previous military operative, Michael Jaco, makes a startling prediction based on remote viewing; the Deep State will initiate an event 13 times worse than 911. Supposedly, 3,000 people died on 911. So, does that mean that 39,000 will die in this new event?

3. If that happens, what would be the response by Biden to a nuclear level retaliation beyond the Ukranian battlefield, assuming that is where the event will happen? Generals loyal to Trump would probably NOT comply with Biden, thereby triggering the formal martial law scenario long-awaited by patriots. That event would by nature trigger the arrest of all remaining officers still loyal to Biden. And, it might also result in the military arrest of all of the House representatives (less the 6 who voted for the 2020 election investigation.) All of which might well be kept out of the Deep State-main-stream news.

07/15/2024 Today, Monday, the first day of the Republican National Convention, the announcement is made of who Trump's Vice President candidate is going to be: J.D. Vance.

Mysteriously missing from the convention, however, is Donald J. Trump and J.D. Vance themselves. As if neither could be bothered with showing up on time for what is probably the most important issue of the convention and of the subsequent election. Trump simply made a one paragraph tweet on Truth Social. And even that was initially hard to find.

Patriots were shocked by the selection of Vance, a former enemy of Trump and a present controlled Deep Stater the very antithesis of Trump's philosophies. But then, Trump did the same thing when he previously selected Deep Stater and pedophile Pence in 2016 for VP. Pence showed his true colors when he failed to save the 2020 election, which Trump clearly won.

Many die-hard patriots were expecting JFK, Jr., and his entire family to be presented on the RNC stage personally by Trump. This event had been predicted for decades. It would have shocked the entire world. So, what went wrong?

What apparently happened is that Trump made this decision knowing that between now and January 20, (White Hat) martial law will be formally declared (we're operating under a soft martial law right now, with 500 top generals and admirals backing Trump as the legal Commander-in-Chief.)

Under martial law, most Deep State House representatives might be arrested for treason for the failure to perform the required 2020 election investigation. Only 6 honest Republicans voted for it. The law states that those who do not vote for the investigation are to be immediately fired and cannot ever hold a public office again. The military may view it as outright treason and act accordingly.

Vance was the popular choice among Deep State Republicans today, so it was a no-brainer for Trump to keep the present political charade going all for the pupose of "outing" all of them in the end.

Under martial law, JFK, Jr., could be the new designated Vice President. He has already been in the Pentagon and the military White Hats support him. A subsequent honest election would solidify his and Trump's office. VP-designated JD Vance could be replaced at this point, depending on what dirt can be dug up on him. He has already worked for Ambrosia, which manufactures adrenochrome by torturing young children as their glands are secreted.

So, what events could trigger a hard martial law? Here is a list of present possibilities:

1. NATO (controlled by Black Hats) could easily trigger a nuclear showdown with Russia.

2. The Chinese could decide to take action with Taiwan.

3. The 2024 election, if it is actually held, could be declared fraudulent. New mysterious voting machines have already been intercepted by the military that would insure a Democratic victory.

4. The Supreme Court could rule favorably in the Brunson Brothers lawsuit over the lack of a 2020 election investigation.

5. The Supreme Court could rule favorably on a number of other issues that could have far reaching implications.

6. The big pharma people could try a new plandemic that would decimate both the civilian and military populations of the world with their new poison vaccinations, similar to the COVID shots previously used.

7. The Deep State could continue with their bogus legal charges against Trump, and might even arrest him.

8. Major civil unrest and crime might begin in many cities, the result of mass unchecked and illegal immigration and foreign troops both in and/or near our country.

9. Enactment of the mandatory draft for men and women along with the mandatory (Black Hat) vaccination (death) shots for the inductees.

10. Biden could resign or become incapacitated, leaving Harris in charge of the country and military. No White Hat officers would take orders from her (or him, as the case seems to be.)

11. Civil war breaks out within the military command, with mass officer arrests on both sides. Officer arrests have already been happening over the last few years out of public view.

12. The ongoing White Hat arrests of Black Hat civilians and military officers and GITMO tribunals suddenly come into public view, resulting in civilian civil war.

13. The sabotage of the nation's electrical grid system and/or disruption of the food chain supply by nefarious groups.

14. Major manipulation of severe weather conditions by the Black Hat military and/or Chinese forces. Nefarious FEMA incursions continue to wreak havoc on a defenseless civilian populace as has been going on for a long time.

15. The Israeli war could take an unexpected twist requiring military intervention to prevent world war or complete decimation of the Israeli state.

16. The U.S. dollar crashes in the world market. This would happen because the BRICS gold backed currencies eventually become the new standard of exchange worldwide. The prices of all imported goods into the USA would then skyrocket. A severe stock market crash might also ensue. Of course, once the White Hats are in complete control, the U.S. will become part of the BRICS coalition and all present U.S. dollars will be replaced with new gold back dollars.

17. Evidence of FBI, Secret Service, and Pennsylvania law enforcement complicity in the Trump assassination attempt.

Remember, Trump plays 5-D chess. He is always several steps ahead of the opposition. None of us have a crystal ball to tell what and when one of the above events will fall into play. Well, most of us don't, anyway. :)

07/14/2024 (Revised 07/15/2024): This is the official narrative being presented to us: On Saturday, July 13, 2024, Commander-in-Chief Donald J. Trump was shot at a rally in Bethel Park, Pennsylvania. He was mildly injured as the bullet grazed his right ear. The gunman (identified as Thomas Matthew Crooks) was finally shot dead by a Secret Service agent after Crook got off 5 rounds using an AR-15. One rally attendee was killed and two more were seriously wounded. Several attendees had spotted the gunman as he climbed to the roof of a nearby building and immediately notified authorities, who apparently did nothing.

The investigation into this assassination attempt is ongoing, but there are several glaring aspects to it that will never be revealed in the controlled press, and which will probably be ignored by most online conservative patriot news sources as well.

It is all too obvious that this was an inside job  by both the Deep State (who realize that death is the only way to stop Trump. Even Biden has eluded to making him a "target.") and ironically from the White Hats, too.  Here are some specific observations:

1. Everyone agrees that this event was obviously a glaring oversight by the Secret Service, if not worse. And it wasn't the first time. Twice before the Secret Service has failed Trump. As a result, Trump banned them from Mar-a-Lago. The head of the Secret Service is now being sought out to be arrested by the White Hats, as she takes orders from the Deep State.

2. According to respected military law expert, Derek Johnson, Donald Trump has a double (not a clone.) Derek has met him at Mar-a-Lago. He says you can tell which one is the stand-in by the roughness of his hands. It is presumed that the real Donald Trump is in the secure Cheyenne Mountain Complex and that the Pennsylvania-rally-Trump was the double.

3. To add even more intrigue to the assassination attempt was the presence of one Vincent Fusca (aka, JFK, Jr., in disguise, according to many. It is uncertain if this really is him.) just to the left of Trump (in the picture to the right.) He has previously been spotted and photographed at many Trump rallys (including one with his easily identifiable wife and kids.) His reaction to the gun shots and calm overall behavior is most interesting and is clearly displayed in the videos. The red circled yellow cloth sticking out of his pocket is supposedly meant to signify the letter "Q", for the benefit of those who follow the Qanon esoteric messages. I don't follow them.

4. Did the Trump people know about this assassination attempt in advance? The similarities between this shooting and the JFK assassination are uncanny. If we had to come up with a story title for this event it would likely be, "How to Hijack Your Own Assassination." Watch this video. And then watch this one. Both contradict each other, yet both make perfect sense. Yes, the Deep State wanted Trump dead. And yes, this event is also obviously faked by the White Hats. Most people will probably find this scenario to be totally confusing and hard to fathom. The truth is purposefully disguised to keep people divided.

So, to fully comprehend the Trump assassination attempt, one needs to watch the "JFK X" movie on what really happened to JFK in Dallas, Texas, on November 22, 1963. This movie puts to shame all previous movies, books, and articles on the JFK assassination over the years. Apparently, we've all been misled. The evidence is all in the Zapruder film.

JFK survived his own assassination (and only recently died) simply by hijacking it from the the Deep State and Mafia groups that wanted him dead. He faked his own death in Dallas. Just as Trump has now apparently faked his assassination event by surviving it. And not by simply turning his head at just the right moment, as most people believe (as an act of God.) His ear suffered no damage, as his own son (Eric Trump) stated at the RNC that no stitches were needed.

Monday the 15th is the start of the Republican National Convention, where it is expected that Trump will announce his selection for Vice President.

Don't be surprised if more unexpected events develop. Things are bound to get worse and better.

07/10/2024: Whose side is Trump really on? It's all a mafia-style chess game. Watch this video by Pascal Najadi.

06/27/2024: Two extraordinary events are disclosed on the same day. The first event, the infamous Trump/Biden debate, was clearly won by Trump. But to those of us who study these things, there was something more significant revealed in the debate. This "upgraded" Biden clone, who had been practicing and preparing for the debate for the entire week before, was significantly different than the previous Biden clones of the past. While still tripping over words and making odd faces, his immediate recall was astonishingly fast compared to his former clone. This Biden was obviously a new "upgraded" clone, despite his usual mistakes and weird facial expressions.

The real irony of the evening, however, was the immediate reaction to all of the die-hard Biden commentators. ALL OF THEM immediately called for his replacement, realizing that Trump had clearly won the debate and there was no way the Democrats were going to win the election. Were we all just played? Was this the real purpose of the debate from the beginning? Was it just an excuse to draft California's Govenor Newsom?

But a second event was also revealed on this same day. At the Camp Pendleton Marine base in southern California, the base commander and head of the White Hats within the military, General Smith, pulls up to enter the base. He is dressed in his full dress military uniform with all medals (despite the obvious lack of need for this level of dress for that day.) He is driving his regular car which has a specific dent in it, which everyone knew about. He looks completely normal, down to the color of his skin.

But the guards become suspicious. General Smith never enters the base at this main entrance. And, according to the duty roster, General Smith is on the east coast vacationing. A call is made to verify that he is in fact on the east coast. And he is.

Orders are then given to apprehend this now obvious imposter. The General Smith in the car is further detained, becomes agitated, and threatens the guards. He then reaches into his glove box and pulls out a chrome plated .45 caliber pistol (which he was known to have in his possession.) After pointing it at the guards, one guard gets off a shot to the head, "unaliving" him instantly. This now-obvious clone is then taken to another location to verify his true status as an "upgraded" clone. Clones have no genitalia and he had none.


Shocking video disclosures are coming online almost daily. Watch these new videos on Biden, the plandemic, and the coming WWIII. And where are all of the illegal immigrants going to? How about to private colleges, at our expense. And of course, the GITMO military operations continue to bring new surprises.


At Trumps latest Las Vegas rally, some important words were spoken that have never been said by him before. At around 27:00 Trump uses the words, "military revolt" in regards to the upcoming 2024 election. He is referring to the distinct possibility of another 2020-style corrupt election. A revolt would be in the form of the military declaring Martial Law. This has been expected for the last few years.

Then, at around 34:15, again concerning the military after he takes office, he said, "the woke will be gone within 24 hours." He may well be referring to the top officers who do not presently support him (or to all "woke people" within or outside of the military.) Trump started with 200 supporting him (by pledging their allegiance to him as the legal Commander in Chief.) It has now grown by 300 additional, out of a possible 237,000. This action will probably already have been taken if in fact Martial Law is declared after a corrupt election, as all Black Hat officers (Biden supporters) will be viewed as enemy traitors and dealt with accordingly.

Now, there is still one other thing that might happen before the election in November. If Putin launches one of his tactical nukes into any NATO country or country harboring NATO nukes, the (White Hat) military might need to declare Martial Law. It would be assumed that the Biden handlers would do something to escalate the situation in retaliation, likely causing a world war.

Putin has also announced that he is giving his tactical nukes to other nations, including Venezulua and Mexico. Should those weapons be misused and/or fall into the wrong hands, there is no telling what might happen next.

Another possible scenario is that Biden at any time might resign (and here) for health reasons, leaving Harris in charge (at least temporarily.) She (he) would not be taken seriously by any White Hat military officers, and this alone might be reason enough to declare Martial Law. Gavin Newsom is rumored to be the Democratic nominee. But world circumstances might demand that Martial Law be instituted before elections are held.

Were Biden to resign, he would no doubt pardon his now convicted son before leaving office (as he would have nothing to lose by doing so.) But, the military (JAG) would still pick him up for other more important corruption charges than just the gun possession charge. Biden would also be picked up on corruption charges and both flown to Gitmo for individual tribunals.

By the way, women are nowgoing to be drafted. Just in time for WWIII.


Trump is convicted of all (bogus) charges! The entire court proceeding was a sham. The jury instructions were totally incorrect. His sentencing is to happen in July. Within hours Trump donations pour in to the tune of millions of dollars. Everyone is upset and cannot believe what is happening.

But another significant event has happened that has gone right over everyone's head. While Trump has always had the support of 200 of the top military leaders, he now has the additional support of over 300 more (formerly Black Hat Biden supporters.) They are all being vetted right now. They were so put off by the results of this trial that they finally woke up to what was really happening to Trump by the Deep State. There are 237,000 officers in the military.

Expect Trump to be jailed. They didn't come all this way just to let him off.

Also expect the military to intervene at some point. Military law supcedes constitutional law. Expect civil war and World War III to start. NATO is goading Russia. And Russia will retaliate. Expect a major change in Israel.

There may well be NO election. And expect that Trump will announce at the RNC who Trump's choice of a Vice President will be. The world will be shocked!

The "movie" continues to play out. Keep the popcorn coming. :)


Is World War III about to start? It's looking like it might. Starting on 04/13/2024 Iran has bombarded Israel with a massive missile attack. It apparently took out Israel's premier intelligence facility, but did little damage to anything else (apparently on purpose.) Israel is now preparing for a retaliation.

Events are happening so fast that there is no point in posting specific articles. At this time I recommend just two websites. For hourly updates on the Israel war, I recommend YouTube, especially this interview with Scott Ritter and this one with Col. Douglas Macgregor.

For news about White Hat operations, click on Real Raw News. Click here for all other sources. Also, a new video worth watching has just appeared, The Storm Is Upon Us.


Just when we thought everything was too quiet, an event happened yesterday. We were informed within hours. First we had the Black Hats. Then the White Hats. Now we also have the Red Hats. Who would have guessed? Read this update.


On October 7, 2023, Hamas terrorists from Gaza cut through an impenetrable wire fence containing many security censors at the precise moment that Israel's IDF soldiers inexplicably stopped patrolling the GAZA perimeter. Hundreds of Hamas terrorists entered Israel performing terrorist attacks.

No one knows for sure the exact extent of the attacks, as both sides are notorious for exagerating the truth. But no one in Israel has offered an explanation for this amazing coincidence of a security breach.

Nonetheless, war has begun. What most of us assumed was that it would just be a minor skirmish that would be over and forgotten in a few weeks. Such events have happened in the past.

But not this time. This apparently engineered and treasonous war (civil war within Israel was talked about shortly before this occured) now has strong worldwide reprocussions. As in the start of World War III.

You see, every country has alliances with other countries. So, it is possible that almost overnight the entire world can be at war with each other. Many have warned us that this could easily happen, including Donald Trump.

What has Trump been saying along? For starters, how about, "I'm draining the swamp." We would all like to believe him. But where is the proof?

Fortunately it has been provided in the military content supplied website, REAL RAW NEWS. For those of you who do not believe this is for real, please click on my SKEPTICS article. Click here for an unverified listing of GITMO detainees.

If this information is NOT true, then Donald Trump has totally lied to us   and we have NO hope for the continuation of this country. Trump has been draining the swamp to the extent that all of the tribunal facilities are now overflowing. The controlled media has elected to keep this from you   and unfortunately so have most of the so-called patriotic news websites.

There may not be an election in 2024. We may well be under fully declared Martial Law by then. And not by Biden. By the loyal military Alliance forces still under control from the still-in-charge Commander in Chief, Donald John Trump. Remember, the USA is no longer a corporation. It is now back to being a Constitutional Republic. Read this article on Facebook and also here. Watch this video.

Watch this video by Kerry Cassidy about how a nuclear war, a civil war, and a ground war my soon become a reality in the U.S. And watch Derek Johnson here on how this is all a movie. Read about Project Looking Glass, the military's ability to look into the future.

You see, the military has a vested interest in determining who really wins a presidential election. That is because they take an oath to protect the country against all enemies, both foreign and domestic. They have to know who is legally in charge. And in our case, our domestic enemies are working hand in hand with our foreign ones.

So, why isn't Trump still in charge? Didn't he lose the 2020 election? Not according to the military, who monitors the ballots by remote hacking. They claim he won by the largest landslide in American history. Common sense dictates that a man who holds numerous rallies attracting tens of thousands of supporters is going to beat a candidate who spent most of his campaign time in his basement and can only attract a few dozen people for the few he does hold.

But wait. There is more. During Trump's 2016 presidential tenure, he did something that even most patriots are still unaware of. He changed the legal status of the country from a CORPORATION back to its original conception of a Constitutional Republic. So, when the 2020 election was held, Trump was still legally the Commander in Chief of the New Constitutional Republic of America. Technically he is also still the President, too. But he conceded that title to Biden, who is now president of the now defunct and bankrupt corporate UNITED STATES OF AMERICA.

So, where does that leave us now? We are now in the beginning stages of a a horrific war in Palestine, which is bound to explode into a world war, as countries start honoring their various military alliegances (and here.) This could also involve Taiwan as China will attack them, figuring that we will be too weak to defend them.

Note that our border invassion continues. And many who come across the border are specifically here to cause trouble. That is a war on its own.

Is there an answer? Is there any single man who can save the day?

Yes. It is Donald Trump. But it's not going to happen by waiting for the election next year. It needs to happen right now. Within months.

As I view it, there are only two ways it can happen. The first is the previously mentioned Martial Law being declared. With the military giving full disclosure about what they and Trump have been doing behind the scenes, Trump will be able to meet with world leaders and achieve a stop to the worldwide bloodshed. The military will also hold honest elections utilizing Quantum Voting to legitimize Trump's Presidential status.

Or, there is a second way to achieve this. And that is for Trump to become Speaker of the House. While a new Speaker has just been elected, the chances of him being able to deal with both Biden and the upcoming world war is slim to none. Especially if the federal budget is not resolved (and it probably won't be, effectively shutting down the government during a world war.)

If Trump was Speaker of the House, he would be next in line after Harris (who is not qualified for the position). If the House pursues its investigation of Biden, he could and should be arrested for treason (either by the military or by the DOJ.) If that happens the job automatically will go to Trump.

Heads will roll on his first day in office. And Trump will make peace. Remember, he already has a close relationship with most of the world leaders.

But wait. It get's even better. There is a bigger surprise in store for the country and the world.

Who would be Trump's Vice President? How about someone with a long and popular family legacy? Someone who was a close friend to Trump decades ago. Someone who shares the same values and will keep the ideals of Trump alive for decades to come. The very same ideals that his own father believed in.

How about JFK, Jr.?

Wait? Isn't he dead? Didn't he die in a plane crash decades ago?

Yes, that is what they want you to believe. But if you really look into it, you find that there is nothing "right" about that crash.

He's with us now, along with his 3 kids and wife. The military approves of him. And so will all of Trump's supporters and the whole rest of the world, once he is disclosed. There is simply no one else alive that could possibly fill Trump's shoes.

Check out the pictures on this site. And this video.

Original Text:

We are living in a "dual reality." One of watching the daily spectacle of the attempt to destroy President Trump in the Deep State controlled media, and that which is reported on the Internet through websites and podcasts. Most people are totally unaware of this unique situation.

It is becoming obvious from current events that something big is going to happen. We have no idea what that event will be, but it could be an alleged nuclear detonation in the Ukraine. But whatever the event is, it will involve the split-U.S. military (White Hat/good guys vs Black Hat/bad guys.) This in turn will force the issue to go public (which is now kept secret through the contolled news media) and will result in an American civil war, with Americans shooting Americans within the military. On a smaller scale, this has already begun. Many more Americans are probably going to die.

Because of this split within the military, GITMO and all of it's high-value detainees are now being evacuated to Guam for security reasons. The Black Hats control an air base at the tip of Florida, within easy striking distance of GITMO.

When asked when GITMO might resume its present operations the reply was, “Sometime in 2024.”

But wait. Why "sometime in 2024"? The 2024 election isn't until November 5th, 2024. Trump would not take office until January of 2025. GITMO won't be "safe" to return to until Trump returns to office and the Black Hats are arrested and eliminated. So, does this mean he will return to the White House sooner than the scheduled 2024 election? Maybe out of a dire necessity to prevent WWIII? We can only speculate. Note that Trump's announcement to run for the presidency never said, "In 2024." General Flynn and Col. Douglas MacGregor claim there will be no 2024 election.

Lately President Trump stated that he could end the Ukraine war in one day, even before he officially returns. Could it be that a nuclear detonation will have to happen sometime between now and then? One which will scare the world into believing there will be an ensuing worldwide nuclear holocaust? A situation where Trump and Trump alone can prevent WWIII all legally covered by military martial law? Time will tell. The movie script continues. Please pass the popcorn.

Remember, Trump and Putin are good guys, both working against the cabal. They call each other regulaly to discuss mutual concerns and events and to banter about who has had the most assassination attempts made on their lives. They are not going to start WWIII with each other.

Note, too, that Australia (and most of the rest of the world) has the same problems as we do. But they have no Donald Trump to save the day. There is a good possibility that Australia will become a state or territory of the USA in order to clean up their corruption.

Note that there also may be an alien influence involved. But as the Bible says, we see through a glass, darkly.

Who are the "White Hats" (and here)? Read about the White Hat Alliance here.

Many are wondering where we are in the timetable of world events. Many erroneously believe we are in the biblically prophesied "end times," even though specific end-time events are not even on the horizon. Only the creation of the state of Israel in 1948, is an identifiable event.

Many claim the international good-guy "White Hats," both in and out of the military, have attained all of the military tribunal evidence necessary to declare martial law. The "military sting" operation of the stolen 2020 election (see below) by the cabal (and partly through foreign interference, an act of war in itself) alone is justification. Other investigations and confessions of treason and crimes against humanity are also now secure and abundant.

So, why hasn't the USA military taken overt action and declared martial law? Why haven't the present military tribunals in Guantanamo (which appear to have begun in secret and also here) and the 222,000 sealed federal indictments against people in high places been made public? Apparently, even top people in the military are asking these questions, too. And so is Russia's Putin.

Two possible reasons:

First, people need to "experience" the truth about the corruption that we-the-people have allowed to occur down through time. Just "telling people" what is going on has never worked in all of history. The Bible documents that people have to be shown through real-life painful experiences, even if those result in mass deaths and sufferings. It is quite possible that many high profile former politicians and actors are now dead (executed by military tribunals,) though they may have doubles or clones taking their places in the public eye. Read the latest Gitmo arrest and execution list and here and here in the (FireDog) comments section at the bottom.

Second, we all need to repent of our individual and collective sins. God is in control and will show mercy on us only when we repent and He sees fit. There appears to be little-to-no repentance being displayed or called for by our spiritual leaders. Most uninformed people regard our present troubles as a mere annoyance or inconvenience. And it may well be that the worst of our troubles is yet to come as all events seem to be continually fluid and predictable.

Trump (and the military) knew in advance that the 2020 election would be fraudulent. And he had a good reason for allowing a 2022 fraudulent election. And now he has formally declared his candidacy for the next election. Notice that he never said, "the 2024 election."

In the meantime, inflation will continue out of control, food shortages may begin, and masses will continue to die from the poison vaccinations. A new pandemic may be intoduced to take over where the coronavirus left off, with yet another new deadly vaccination that would be introduced (along with possible mandatory masking again.)

The best speculation is that something will happen in 2023 with the public announcement of the GITMO tribunals

Or, a nuke will go off somewhere, there will be a real food shortage, or a massive banking system failure.

Only under Martial Law will the traitors be arrested and a foolproof Quantum Voting Sytem installed. That will not happen under our present corrupt judicial system that will not entertain lawsuits about voter fraud.

So, if God is using Trump, as it appears that He is, God may be allowing the evil and the suffering to continue. Maybe He is waitng for us to repent? There simply is no specific timetable. Only God knows when things will change and God's ways are not our ways. Watch this video on Trump's behind the scenes activities. Detractors who claim Trump is the anitchrist because he signed onto the Jewish Noahide Laws aren't getting the big picture.

Military law is running the U.S. Watch Derek Johnson and here. Then look for his articles here and here. And watch the TWO TRUMPS video here. On November 18, 2022, the House announced the criminal investigation of Joe Biden. However, no further information on this investigation has been forthcoming, other than the discovery of classified documents in Biden's garage and homes.

And the Qauntum Financial System for banking is apparently set up, though not yet operational.

Nothing is going to change until the military goes public with its arrests, tribunals, and executions. According to this New York Times article, that was originally supposed to happen sometime in the summer of 2023.

Keep up to date on events on our recommended Independent News Sources.

Read about the Illuminati here.

Note that the present legal problems of Donald Trump will not prevent him from regaining the Presidency.

Watch this extraordinary Trump documentary, THE GREATEST SHOW ON EARTH.

Donald Trump - The Outlier (Full Documentary)

Life After Trump Returns

While life for most people around the world continues to become harder and harder, those "in-the-know" wait patiently for Trump's return. No one knows exactly when he will return. Even the Alliance is getting anxious about the situation. Trump himself has stated that he will not becoming back in the "normal way." Ultimately, it is up to God how and exactly when he takes office as President. Is God backing Trump?

Note too, that Trump's past term as President does not count when figuring his future terms of office. Trump's previous term as President was under the corporate USA status. That corporate entity has now been legally dissolved. Trump is now entitled to 2 more terms as President under the "restored republic" for which the country was founded.

His soon-to-be-announced Vice President, JFK, Jr., will also be entitled to 2 terms as President. So, the Trump legacy will be in affect for 16 more years.

But, wait. What happens when his son, Barron Trump, decides to run 16 years from now? You guessed it, 8 more years of the Trump legacy will now have been in place. That will be a total of 24 years of White Hat rule.

Remember that political parties will all be eliminated in the future. There is no need for them as both parties are equally corrupt. And, all of the present corrupt organizations and the people who run them will have been eliminated.

But, wait again. What if JFK Jr.'s son decides to run? Now we are up to 32 years of Trump/White Hat rule, or 36 years if you count Trump's original run in 2016. It doesn't get any better than this for a guanranteed future of peace and prosperity for the world. And any future offspring of the Trump or JFK, Jr. lineage could conceivably take the count even higher!

But what will life be like after Trump does return?

  1. The arrests of the evil Deep State (cabal) people, only now it will have been made public knowledge through the Emergency Broadcast System program to educate the world on what has been going on for the last few years. Thousands more will be shipped to Guantanamo Bay Detention Center (aka, GITMO) for military tribunals for those charged with treason and crimes against humanity. All evil people and evil organizations worldwide will eventually be dealt with. Note that much of the enemy is now in place among us, having come across the southern border. They are armed and dangerous and are being supported by the Deep State. All will eventually be rounded up and deported.

  2. Fuel prices will eventually return to normal as the U.S. once again becomes energy independent as Biden's destructive energy policies are dismantled. In fact, under NESARA, they may return to 1950's prices. At some point it is even possible that "free energy" devices, long suppressed by the Deep State, will eliminate the need for oil or gas powered cars and generators altogether. The entire electrical grid system might even become obsolete.

  3. Food prices will eventually drop and food shortages will eventually disappear. The present corporate farm system could well return to the original family farm system ensuring abundant and healthy foods for all of mankind. Dairy farming may well disappear completely as it simply is not needed and is not environmentally friendly.

  4. All federal income taxes ever paid to the U.S. will be refunded to its citizens. There never was a law saying you have to pay them. And the federal government will gradually be reduced in size and scope. States will have more power to determine their own destiny, determined by the people.

  5. NESARA/GESARA will be implemented. The US will finally return to the gold standard and join the other BRICS nations. A new US "dollar" will now be issued, as the old one will no longer be viewed as worth anything. All old dollars held in your bank account will be converted to the new dollar on a one-to-one basis. There is over $4 million dollars worth of gold available for every man, woman and child worldwide, presently under U.S. military protection. It will be dispursed in a responsible and fair manner. There will no longer be any poverty and a quantum economic system will be put in place. Read about it's history here.

  6. The housing market values will probably skyrocket as soon as the wealth starts to be disbursed. It will take years to build sufficient housing for most people worldwide. People will have the money to buy a nice home, but there won't be enough houses available initially. Eventually the prices should drop and even out as more houses are built.

  7. Life after Trump returns may well be the beginning of the biblically prophesied Golden Age, to occur as the beginning of the end-times biblical prophecies start to become a reality. Read his projected itnerary here. This little known stage of end-time prophesy is rarely taught by religious leaders.

  8. Watch this video on what will happen to you economically under NESARA/GESARA. All people will now have the time and resources to achieve the heights of creativity and invention as they no longer have to live under the slave-like conditions that most of the world suffers under today. With wealth and free time in abudance, there will no longer be any restrictions to mankind's achievements. Accumulating wealth, as is practiced today, will not be as sought after as everyone's basic physical needs will already be abundantly met. And income tax will be eliminated completely. All taxes ever paid by U.S. citizens will be returned to them. There never was a law stating one had to pay income tax. All present tax avoidance programs now in place will be unnesssary. Tax havens like Monaco will eventually diminish in size and become just another seaside resort. Tax preparation and investment professionals will also fall by the wayside. Their years of clever knowledge and expertise in tax avoidance will no longer be needed.

  9. People's health will now be abundantly restored as the evil pharmaceutical companies are eventually closed down. People will learn how to eat properly and how to avoid all disease. Food will once again become natural and organic, as God intended. The lifespan of all people will be dramatically increased. Main stream allopathic doctors will have to be retrained.

  10. Socialogical problems like crime, law enforcement, and judicial reform will have to be addressed and dealt with. And problems with the institution of marriage and dating will also need to be reviewed. Many nations are suffering from a dangerously declining population.

  11. An increased interest in the Bible and spitituality will also occur as people realize that this new world wide abundance can only be attributed to God's blessing. The nation of Israel is biblically slated to be the leader of this new wave of interest in and respect for the Bible. Hopefuly this new spirit of learning and education will help resolve the mass brainwashing that presently exists among large portions of our population. Their deep visceral hatred of Trump and everything in life that is good are a potential breeding ground for the ongoing satanic forces that will eventually culminate in biblical end-time prophecies.

  12. Satan will still roam the earth as ordained by God, realizing that his days are now clearly numbered. Through his influence the end-time antichrist will eventually take power, claiming to be the real Christ (now returned.) He will sit in the newly rebuilt Temple (possibly at it's original location, over the Gihon Springs) as it will by then be accepted by Israel and the world. Eventually, the 7th-day Sabbath and the various special Holy Days will be made mandatory for worldwide observance. The so-called "mark of the beast" will simply be an acceptance of this new rule of tyranny, involving how we think and buy into this new deceptive and satanic end-time "New World Order."


Be sure to click on all of the hyperlinked words, including the titles in the hyperlinked articles.

1. Why are people so blind to what is going on in the world today?

The Bible says that it is God that blinds our eyes. Whether the issue is scripture, politics, or one's own health, people will blindly go to their grave believing a lie, even if it kills them. And if that is not bad enough, so does Satan and his earthly representatives (cabal, education systems, and controlled news sources, etc) deceive, too.

2. Didn't President Trump promote the killer COVID vaccine while he was office?

This subject is NOT as cut and dry as many think. Read these articles on what really happened here and here and here and here and here. Trump's trusted Food and Drug Administration Commissioner Stephen Hahn lied to him and was recently arrested and hung for treason here and here.

Trump later posted this video by America's Frontline Doctors in a tweet, who were promoting the safe alternatives of Ivermectin, Hydroxychlorquine, and Quercetin.

Note that Trump has never believed in nor even taken a flu shot. Some of his many employees' children have also had very bad reactions to childhood vaccines that he was made aware of. He has never been a fan of big pharma. Remember, this man plays 5-D chess. He's smarter than most of us put together.

Note, too, that the truth about the viruses that fly through the air has never been told by anyone but a small handfull of doctors and researchers. It simply doesn't exist. People who are convinced that they have COVID are simply too acidic (from an acidic diet) or have been poisoned by excess 5G telcom radiation from their street light in front of their house. Or both. There is no legitimate test for COVID (because it doesn't exist.)

3. What is happening in Israel? Based on Israel's past history, it is almost impossible to tell what is really going on in Israel with this latest Hamas invasion. How did Israel get caught so off guard, not even manning the border fence? The chances are they didn't man it on purpose and knew full well what was going to happen because they wanted it to happen. Why didn't the Iron Dome save them? Because it doesn't exist. Will America become involved in a war that could go nuclear? Not if the White Hats have anything to say about it. Was the attack an "inside" job?

4. Maui. The Maui massacre has stepped up the now open civil war between the White Hats and the Black Hats. Mass destruction, murdering of the innocent civilian population, withholding relief aid, and worse of all, the abduction of 2,000 children (who may still be alive on Maui in the underground tunnels awaiting transport off of the island.) While the White Hats have made 2 attempts to neutralize the situation, it is obvious that it was too little, too late. Meanwhile people are suffering and are trapped on the island, unable to leave.

As distasteful and upsetting as this situation is, it is part of the long predicted "civil war" that has been prophesied by many in the know. War is hell. The forces of evil are much more formidable than anyone ever imagined. It's not just about a small number of evil cabal players at the top of the world power pyramid. It's also hundreds of thousands of equally evil people in everyday life who are aligned with them.

As it stands right now, there are still over 250,000 sealed indictments outstanding (and possibly as man as 400,000,) waiting for the resources to arrest these people, imprison them, try them, and then dispose of them accordingly. That is a huge number. Not to mention that there are brand new ones who expose themselves on an almost daily basis. It is an overwhelming task. Facilities at GITMO, Guam, and the other military facilities for tribunals are now all maxed out. It is a major logistical problem. I forsee this operation going on well into the new Trump administration.

UPDATE: The White Hat's latest actions in Maui have resulted in an apparent new policy. Gone are the days of arrest, imprisonment, and tribunals. Now it is all out war with mass casualties. Expect the Black Hats to retalliate. At some point, the news of this will inevitably spill over into the controlled news media. This could be the beginning of civil war.

5. What is with all of these bogus charges against Trump? These could drag out forever. And Trump could actually be imprisoned. Will the White Hats in the military allow this to happen?

Rest assured that Trump is allowing all of this to occur. It's a win-win situation for him. These charges and the people behind them just add to the number of evil people that eventually need to be arrested. As for the military, they will not allow anything to happen to him. There are precautions in place to insure his safety. The military would take down an entire building to rescue him if need be. Ironically, even Hitler wants to get rid of Donald Trump.

6. There are many people claiming that these are all end-time events. Many are even having prophetic dreams about it. Is this the biblically prophesied end-times?

Absolutely not! The people who claim this are basing their position on a complete lack of biblical scripture, and/or they are having dreams that they claim are from God. The fact is that specific events must happen as we draw near to the real end times. So far, the only event that has happened is the creation of the state of Israel in 1948. Nothing else has happened or is about to happen.

As for dreams, they are a dime a dozen. And if they were really from God, why would He choose some unknown person to give it to? I urge everyone to read both of these articles that explain everything, here and here. Did you know all prophecies happen in three's?

7. So, who is going to win? The good guys or the bad?

Well, I'm betting on the good guys. It would appear that God has inspired Donald Trump to do what he is doing. And God has apparently inspired 200 generals (now up to 500) to back Trump up. But the final decision is up to God. It is God who puts our leaders in office and directs world affairs. That is a hard pill for most of us to swallow. But it is easily documented in the Bible. The White Hats are now discussing stepping up their game, ironically inspired by the success of the Hamas invasion of Israel.

Watch the Trump Time Travel video here. Watch this Q video.

8. Who is really responsible for the mess we are in, God or Satan?

Maybe neither. It may be us who have allowed the forces of evil to prevail down through time. We are the ones who voted for the "lesser of two evils" in elections (ignoring the other non-cabal candidates listed on the ballot.) We are the ones who were afraid to stand up against evil. We are the ones who are still afraid to even talk to people in our lives or even our next door neighbors about this evil. So, now we pay the price. God will end this insanity when He decides. And we all need to repent of our sins. Maybe this is what God is really waiting for? It is a main theme throughout the Bible (you know, that book that everyone has and that no one reads.) Here is what Trump says.

9. Will Trump have to intercede with the Israeli-Hamas war, too?

Possibly. While most people tend to be pro-Israeli and view the Palestinians as animals, even Trump knows there is a dark side to the Israeli government as they have sabotaged peace plans in the past. This "war" has been going on since before 1948. This 2019 Palestinian documentary gives you a point of view from their perspective. Remember it was the Israeli government that initiated genocide against their own people with mandatory vaccinations. And now they did nothing to prepare for the Hamas invasion that was tipped off by Egypt and shut down the fence intrusion alarms. Amazingly, no one in Israel seems to be armed. Why is that? And polls indicate that the Israeli citizens continue to back their government. But, apparently Trump does have plans for peace. And a Palestinian state is prophesied to occur in the end times (which we are nowhere near, but this could be the catalyst.)

Israel has now invaded Gaza in response to the Hamas terror attack. No one is demanding answers from the Israeli government (who was close to civil war right before this happened) as to why the Egyption warning was not heeded, why the fence security was turned off, and why the IDF border patrols were mysteriously terminated.

The 2.3 million people of GAZA are likely to be highly reduced (1 million are children,) and worse, within a very short period of time the alliances involved here could easily result in a new world war. Only Trump's intervention, guided by God, will save us all.

Clowns to the left of me... Jokers to the right.


2020 Stolen U.S. Election

Here is how it went down: Trump won by a landslide in every state when you count only the votes by people who actually showed up in person to vote.

When you count only the mail-in, drop-boxed votes, and truckfuls of votes accepted hours after the polls closed, Biden won by a landslide even in the deep Republican states.

How does that happen?

The release of the movie 2000 MULES documents one of the ways in which the 2020 U.S. election was stolen. Mind you that the election in any democratic (republic) country is the very fabric, heart, and sole of that country's existence. When the integrity of that election is stolen, it technically is an act of war, whether perpetrated by foreign or domestic enemies of the state. In this case, it was conducted by both. And it is up to the military of any democratic nation, whose leaders take an oath to protect the country from all enemies (both foreign and domestic,) to take action.

The movie does an outstanding job of documenting one of the ways in which fraudulent votes were cast, by "mules" dropping phony votes into multiple absentee vote boxes in key swing-vote states. What most people may not know is that there were also other ways that the election was compromised.

First, you have the time-honored practice of votes cast by illegal aliens, dead people, and multiple voting by the same person simply going to another precinct.

Second, you have massive amounts of bogus votes delivered in the dead of night by large trucks.

Third, you have built-in software in the voting machines that ensure an electronic "vote flip" in favor of the preferred candidate.

Fourth, the computers used in the election were easliy "hackable" by just about anyone, foreign or domestic.

Fifth, the servers tabulating all precinct voting results were all located outside of the U.S., under foreign control.

Amazingly, even after the 2000 MULES movie is viewed by millions of U.S. citizens, nothing seems to be happening to rectify the situation. And the military, whose job it is to defend the nation, still has taken no action as their oath requires them to. They have all of the evidence of the above crimes of treason, but have not declared martial law to set up new, honest elections and to arrest those who participated in the fraud. They claim they can do nothing until the President and Commander-in-Chief, Donald J. Trump, gives the go-ahead. Martial law will then be declared.

Military law is running the U.S. Watch Derek Johnson. Then look for his articles here and here.

  1. Which is the real United States "of" or "for" America? Watch this video.

  2. The same situation will exist with new car availability as we are experiencing now. A total lack of inventory due to high demand.

  3. This could possibly be the beginning of the prophesied end-time "Golden Age" mentioned in the Bible, but strangely ignored by most religious and church leaders.

  4. Changes will be made to our judicial and law enforcement groups to assure proper Constitutional guidlines are practiced by both groups. Those who are wrongfully convicted will finally find justice. Those rightfully convicted will be given remediation to make sure they do not return to prison, as is presently successfully practiced in the Scandinavian countries.

  5. Pharmacuetical companies will no longer be able to produce dangerous and ineffective drugs. Natural medicine will be promoted and will no longer be condemned. Vaccinations (and here) will be abolished as they are based on faulty science. Mandatory vaccinations for schools and businesses will be eliminated. All those who promoted vaccinations and dangerous drugs will be arrested and tried for crimes against humanity in a military tribunal in Gitmo.

  6. The entire educational system will be re-evaluated and reformed.

  7. All of this has been planned years ago.

  8. Watch this video for proof.

  9. QFS (Quantum Financial System) will be implemented in banking, voting and education worldwide.

  10. Watch this video on Trump's behind the scenes activities that will be implemented.

  11. JFK, Jr. will (at some point) be the Vice President, insuring that Trump's changes remain intact long after he is gone. Yes, he is alive and well and now has 3 children. Watch this heart-warming video of his wedding. Don't be fooled by Deep State Vance's temporary selection.

  12. The Qauntum Financial System for banking is now in place but not yet operational.

  13. Who are the "White Hats" (and here)?


The Coming Civil War

Watch this video.

The very idea of another American civil war seems preposturous to most people. Who exactly would be fighting who? Right now a war is being waged through controlled voting, the controlled news media, and by the 3 letter cabal-controlled government agencies illegal activities. But not by violence.

First, let's address what is not going to happen. Popular commentator Mike Adams has addressed his proposed civil war scenario here. Be aware that Mike has no knowledge of the behind the scenes activities of Trump starting back before he even decided to run for office (at the coercion of the U.S. military.) Nor does Mike have any knowledge of Trump's activities while in office to change the legal status of the United States back to a Constitutional republic. Nor does he understand the ongoing "drain the swamp" activities that have gone on in Guantanamo over the years, including stopping massive child trafficking. Nor does Mike (by his own admission) have any knowledge of biblical history or of biblical prophecy. He is not a Trump supporter. Therefore he is hardly one to be contemplating a civil war scenario involving Trump.

Now, if there is to be a civil war between the good guys (Trump, most conservatives, and the good guys in the military) and the bad guys (the cabal or Deep State, Soros, RINOs, and most Democrats,) there has to be weapons involved and soldiers to use them. So, just who would these people be?

Here is the short list of the bad guys:

  • UN Troops that have been stationed on U.S. soil for decades. Maybe 100,000 of them? Fully armed, with their own tanks and transport vehicles (usually white in color.) Why are these troops even in our country?

  • Red Chinese troops, fully armed and with transport sitting just inside the Canadian and Mexican borders. They are just hours from major U.S. cities. Why are they there?

  • Our own military troops that happen to be under the control of the minority pro-Biden/cabal/Deep State military officers (Generals Milley and Hokanson.) We don't know exactly how many those will be, only that we guess that many if not all of the personnel at the lower ranks probably either don't know what is really happening or they do know what is happening, but can't do anything about it, short of desertion. They probably really support the good guys.

  • The government's many cabal-controlled 3 letter agencies are now armed to the teeth. Even the IRS.

  • Who are the "White Hats" (and here)? Trump claims to have the support of the Secret Service, the Marines, the Space Force, the Air Force, and the Navy. Civilian-wise, he has most of America behind him and many of them are highly armed.

  • While the idea of Americans firing on Americans may seem unlikely and certainly distasteful, note that it has already begun. First in Germany where 5 special forces military personel were killed retrieving the 2020 election servers that were being guarded by CIA agents.

Secondly, rumor has it that when Harris ordered her Secret Service agents to open fire on the Marines guarding the now empty White House. Americans died there, too. (The D.C. White House has been closed since the 2020 election. All subsequent White House videos and photos being made and shown in the MSM news are made in the mock White House locations in Georgia and California.)

So, what would be the likely scenario to start the shooting? The speculations are endless and I am not going to add to them. But nothing is going to change until the military goes public with its arrests, tribunals, and executions. This action alone could trigger the civil war.

In any event, the first major casualty will be the Internet. It was previously planned that it would be turned off for 10 days. No communications and no financial transactions. This will coincide with an announcement over the Emergency Broadcast System (worldwide) that Trump (still legally the Commander in Chief of the Restored Republic for the United States of America) has authorized temporary "military martial law"  to be implemented.

During the 10 days of darkness, only designated TV and/or radio stations will be broadcasting military programs explaining exactly what is (and what has been) going on behind the scenes that justify this action. The scheduling of new and fair presidential elections will also be announced.

Meanwhile, bullets may be flying, buildings and airports may be seized, and important people on both sides may be arrested. Note that President Trump just recently told General Berger to ramp up the Deep State arrests of those deamed traitors and those who have commited crimes against humanity (all legal under the Insurrection Act of 1807.) Gas and food may be in short supply. Criminal gang activity (including Soros funded BLM and Antifa rioters) will be expected to run rampant as local law enforcement becomes overwhelmed. So, be prepared. And if necessary, stay in your homes where God promises protection. Be assured that the good guys have thought of everything and are well prepared. Watch this video.

According to Tucker Carlson, the U.S. (and most of the world) is extremely low on Diesel fuel and Diesel additives. The entire world runs on Diesel fuel. This means there may be no gasoline deliveries (because tanker trucks run on Diesel), no food deliveries, and no trains (which are all Diesel/electric) in various regions and at various times. The world could devolve into chaos overnight. This may well be the trigger for the implementation of military martial law and/or civil war.

Worse, Biden has just banned all diesel trucks starting in just a little over 10 years from now. Be assured this will be reversed under Trump. Watch this video by Derek Johnson, an extremely informed veteran (and also here.) Then look for his articles here and here.

Watch what General Flynn has to say about our upcoming civil war.

Watch this extraordinary Trump documentary, THE GREATEST SHOW ON EARTH. And, The Plan to Save the World.

Donald Trump - The Outlier (Full Documentary)


Ukraine War

Amazingly, the average conservative has no idea what is really going on in the Ukraine. It seems they are still in the habit of getting their news from the MSM (main stream media) even after it's been proven time and again that it is all fake news. The Ukraine is not our friend (though the majority of Ukrainian people have no real understanding of what is really going on, just like in the USA.)

First, the Ukraine is not a country. It is legally part of Russia. Second, since the end of WWII it has become a stronghold haven for neo-nazis. And for the evil cabal. This is the same cabal we are fighting the the U.S. And the cabal does not like Russia any more than it likes the U.S. Therefore, Russia's enemies are our enemies.

The first thing Russian missiles took out were the U.S. military bio-labs, owned and controlled by the cabal. Russia responded just like we did during the Cuban missile crisis. Thank you Russia.

Russia, under Putin (who periodically consults with Trump) wants to install a non-cabal government. Zelinsky is in fact a professional dancer/actor, not a legitimate polititian. Atrocities being committed there are actually committed by the cabal-controlled militia, not the legitimate Russian troops. Many innocent people are affected, as they are in any war-torn country. This is unfortunate. No one knows how or when it will end, but it appears the Russians are winning long term. Read this recent update to what has been going on.


Truisms That Most People Don't Know

  1. Viruses don't fly through the air. It's a 200+ year old myth. There is no scientific proof and there are no pictures.

  2. 5G is a deadly bio-weapon, not just a telcom upgrade (that no one asked for.)

  3. There is only one biblical diet that gives good health, even though the Bible says you can eat anything. It's just a matter of when and how you want to die.

  4. There is only one disease acidosis. All other so-called diseases are simply manifestations of acidosis (too much acid in the body.)

  5. Most allopathic health care is bogus, not holistic or natural. Yet it is the preferred choice of most people.

  6. EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique) can resolve emotional and physical problems by simply tapping on key meridian points of the body while saying certain scripts.

  7. Grounding or earthing can also resolve emotional and physical problems by simply walking barefoot on grass.

  8. There is no trinity, no heaven, no hell, nor any reincarnation. There is something better. The Kingdom of God at the first resurrection.

  9. There is an after-life, but it's not what everyone thinks it is. Ironically, most modern religions condemn the concept of a God Family.

  10. We are not in the biblical end times, though two biblical prophecies may be initiated soon - the Golden Age and the Ten Nations, thanks to Trump's anticipated economic NESARA/GESARA policies and his Jerusalem U.S. embassy move.

  11. Clone technology does exist. Not everyone you see is in their original body. Update here.

  12. Aliens exist good, bad and indifferent. Treaties have existed since the Truman administration and possibly even before that.

  13. The world is run by evil people behind the scenes, not just those elected. But God is still in control, waiting for mankind to repent of their sins.

  14. Child trafficking is pervasive worldwide and also among our elite leaders. Few understand what that really involves.

  15. Gitmo executions and military tribunals are ongoing. Nothing is going to change until the military goes public with its arrests, tribunals, and executions.

  16. Military law is running the U.S. Watch Derek Johnson. Then look for his articles here and here. We are in a military occupancy. Watch this Pascal video.

  17. There is enough collective gold wealth in the world to give every man, women, and child over $4 million dollars. It will be distributed through NESARA / GESARA and here. Watch this video on bank accounts and crypto.

  18. The United States is now run by the White Hats in the military.

    Watch this extraordinary Trump documentary, THE GREATEST SHOW ON EARTH. And this one, The Plan to Save The World

    Donald Trump - The Outlier (Full Documentary)


The Bible

There are presently 66 books in most Bibles. However, the inspired number of books is actually 49, with 22 of the 66 books incorrectly divided. There are no missing books, despite what many people claim. Some words may not be correctly translated, but this does not seem to be a problem with God at this time. Some versions may contain fewer errors, but none are perfect and only one lists the books in the correct order. Read Dr. Martin's book on why we have the complete Bible here.

Before you start reading the Bible, you might want to read Mr. Brian Butler's book, WHO AND WHAT IS GOD. Mr. Butler was a student of Dr. Ernest L. Martin in college.

My people are destroyed for lack of knowlege. Hosea 4:6


Passion of the Christ


Mel Gibson warned actor Jim Caviezel that playing the character of Christ was going to be very difficult and that if he accepted, he most likely would be marginalized by Hollywood. Mel Gibson warned actor Jim Caviezel that playing the character of Christ was going to be very difficult and that if he accepted, he most likely would be marginalized by Hollywood.

Caviezel asked for a day to think about it and his response to Mel who was funding and directing the movie was: "I think we have to make it, even if it is difficult."

"And something else, my initials are J.C., and I am 33 years old. I didn't realize that until now."

Mel responded with, “You're really scaring me now.”

During filming, Jim Caviezel who plays Jesus lost 45 pounds, was struck by lightning, accidentally struck twice during the scourging scene leaving a deep 14-inch scar, he dislocated his shoulder when the dropped the cross into the hole which him on the cross. He then suffered pneumonia and hypothermia from being nearly naked with only a loin cloth on the cross for several hours.

His body was so stressed and exhausted from playing the role that he had to undergo two open heart surgeries after production.

The crucifixion scene alone took 5 weeks out of 2 months of shooting.

"I don't want people to see me. I just want them to see Jesus. Conversions will happen through that.”

Almost like a clairvoyant prediction many amazing things happened. Pedro Sarubbi, who played Barabbas, felt that it was not Caviezel who was looking at him, but Jesus Christ himself, as he played that role he said of Caviezel, “His eyes had no hatred or resentment towards me, only mercy and love. 

Luca Lionello, the artist who played Judas, was an avowed atheist before shooting began. He eventually converted, confessed and baptized his children..

One of the main technicians who was a Muslim also converted to Christianity.

Some producers said they saw people they didn’t know during the filming dressed in white, but when the recordings ended they weren’t in the footage.

The Passion of the Christ is the highest grossing US R-rated film of all time, with $370.8 million! Worldwide, it grossed $611 million.The Passion of the Christ is the highest grossing US R-rated film of all time, with $370.8 million! Worldwide, it grossed $611 million.

More importantly, it has reached many souls around the world. Mel Gibson paid $30 million out of his own pocket for the production because no studio would take on the project.

Jim Caviezel simply and proudly proclaims his faith in Christ and the miracle it was to represent him as an actor and believer.Jim Caviezel simply and proudly proclaims his faith in Christ and the miracle it was to represent him as an actor and believer.

It should be noted that the essence of this movie is that we all killed Christ. A good movie review is here.


Movies & TV Programs


Many Christians have decided to eliminate the TV from their lives, essentially throwing the baby out with the bathwater. Granted, the vast majority of TV progams are worthless. But not all. Discernment is needed.

In particular I can recommend the PBS series (and subsequent 2 movies) called Downton Abbey. The series chronicles 12 years of life on a great English estate on the cusp of a vanishing way of life. The lives of the upstairs and downstairs occupants intertwine at a time when the whole concept of having classes of people is being highly questioned.

While the program is not religious, the underlying biblical values expressed are hard to deny. It portrays humanity at both its best and its worse, and portrayed in every possible scenario imaginable.

I can't recommend this series enough. I have watched every episode at least 3 times. You can watch the entire series on Amazon, while the PBS sometimes repeats the series on Sunday afternoons.

I can also recommend another similar series on PBS, Poldark. PBS often replays the series on TV on Sunday afternoons, too.

The Crown (Netflix) is highly recommended. It may not be totally accurate, but it does portray the concept of the modern day British Monarchy very well.

For those who enjoy biblically based entertainment, I highly recommend the TV series, The Chosen. It follows the life of Christ in a way most of us would never have imagined. It is playing on many of the TV venues.

Also, both Amazon and Netflix have many worthwhile educational documentaries on almost every subject imaginable. Amazon has some decent TV series, like The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel, set in New York City in the mid-50's. Not recommended for children.

Anne With An E is a good family program with good core values.

The Queen's Gambit is on Netflix and is recommended for adults.

Flight Risk examines the Boeing 737 Max plane crashes and the incredible Boeing coverups involved.

UFO Conspiracies: The Hidden Truth. Self explanatory.

Also, Secret Space UFO's.

And Unacknowedged, hosted by Dr. Steven Greer, on the entire UFO situation.

A very good movie I can recommend is The Exception, set in Belgium at the beginning of World War II and centered around the now retired and out-of-office Kaiser Wilhelm. It is also not recemmended for children.

Rent A Groom is a humorous love story for adults.

Allied is a great WWII YouTube movie involving a married couple who are both spies. But are they on the same side?

Netflix has the docu-series, Making A Murderer, the true story of Steven Avery. It highlights the incredible injustice of framing innocent people for crimes they did not commit. One of Netflix's most popular shows. Also not recommended for children.

Professor Marston and the Wonder Women. An interesting story of the creation of the Wonder Women comic series. On Amazon.

And to understand what is going on behind the scenes today politically, I recommend, The Greatest Show On Earth.

Another political movie recommended is It's All A Movie By Ezra A. Cohen.

A heart warming family movie is Jewel.

Also, Jules is a good comedy movie.

Doc Martin is a British comedy series that is very popular worldwide. It may take viewing a few episodes to "get" why this series is so internationally popular as it's star actor (Doctor Martin) has absolutely no personality whatsoever. On ROKU for free.

William and Mary. Martin Clunes plays an entirely different character that is just as entertaining as in Doc Martin. On ROKU for free.

The Founder traces the incredible history of the McDonalds franchise.

La Femme Nikita is a 5 year thiller series that eventually spawned quite a few spinoffs of good-versus-bad people operating under duress in a super secret anti-terrorist organization. Much of what was portrayed in the series has oddly come to pass in real life. Now on Roku.

The Wonder Years is a documentary of teenage life in suburbian America during the 50-60-70's, replete with the obligatory childhood love infatuations.

Revenge is also a multi-year series of conspiracy, corruption and false convictions among the rich and the super rich residing in the lavish ocean-view mansions of the Hamptons of Long Island, New York. For adults only.

Safe Haven is a good family movie where love conquers all.

The Night Agent is an excellent action thriller movie. For adults only.

Mending the Line is a heart warming movie of veteran healing.

Megan Leavey is a heart warming story of a military police dog.

The Idea of You is a unique romantic movie about a 40 year old woman and a 24 year old superstar. A recent movie on Amazon. Adults only.

Harrison Ford's Witness is an all time action thiller movie. For adults only.

Double Jeopardy is a great fast moving action thriller. For adults only.

The Age of Adaline is a good movie for those who don't wish to age.

If you like action movies involving espionage and assassins, you will like Ava. This is the ultimate double cross scenario involving the east verses the west. Definitely for adults only with a whole lot of non-stop violence. On Amazon.

If you enjoy true life "who done-its," you will like JFK X: Solving the Crime of the Century. Forget all of the other books and movies. This will blow you mind completely.

Bar Rescue is not just about saving mismanaged bars. It's about saving lives. The owners and the employees lives. Highly recommended.

The latest movie, Reagen, is highly recommended.

AK-47 Is an extremely interesting movie. Highly recommended.

Coast to Coast AM has been providing entertaining radio programs every night (plus on their website where you can listen anytime) for decades. Everything from UFOs to the unexplained. Great for when you can't sleep.

The inexpensive "Roku" plugin device also offers many movies and TV series of the past that are worth watching. There is no monthly fee, but there are (annoying) commercials. They present a wide range of current and older TV programs and movies.


Health Insurance

Are you still paying a fortune for so-called health insurance? Why are you doing that to yourself and your family? Especially in these times of extreme inflation.

First, it does nothing for your "health." There is hardly any doctor associated with any health insurance who understands good health. It's simply not taught in medical schools. What is taught is the satanic use of unnatural drugs and the prevention of disease through the injection of barbaric and often deadly vaccinations and here.

But even those of us who understand that principle and take care of ourselves nutritionally still live in fear of having to use them "in case of an emergency." But did God provide for such emergencies through biblically ordained principles?

There exists three "health cost sharing ministries" in the United States based on a biblical principle. The company I am familiar with and recommend is called Christian Healthcare Ministies. From their website:

The New Testament’s direction that Christians carry each other’s burdens (Galatians 6:2) is the foundation of this nonprofit health cost sharing ministry. CHM is a 21st-century representation of how members of the early Christian Church shared to meet each other’s needs (Acts 2 and 4). And it works: our members have exercised their faith and shared other members’ eligible medical bills since 1981.

And how much does this program cost? The most inexpensive program is only $90 per month per person. The most expensive program is $235 per month. This is a small fraction of the typical fees charged by most health insurance companies today.

Go to their website to see how it actually works. It is not an insurance company, but it does meet one's needs just the same. And it is approved by the U.S. government as a legal alternative to health insurance. They have been in business since 1981. Note that they only reimurse for allopathic expenses, as do most health insurance companies.

Watch this YouTube video on how it works. I have no affiliation with them in any way.


Phones for Learning?

Can you really learn from your smartphone? The long term answer is NO. The amount of knowledge on the Internet that the average person needs to learn is way too voluminous. It is the equivalent of a college education. Would you go back to college using just your cell phone?

And the typical smartphone screen size is way too small and hard to read. And as we get older, our eyesight deteriorates. Then we tend to not read as carefully. And we aren't as likely to click on the important hyperlinked words within an article that explain the subject even more, nor to bookmark them for future reference.

There was once a day when we all thought nothing of spending over a thousand dollars on a computer. Today you can buy a tablet or even the latest (superfast) solidstate hard drive laptop for less than $300 on Amazon. Being able to comfortably read and comprehend large amounts of text simply requires the larger screen of a tablet or laptop.

You can even piggyback on your existing smartphone plan so you don't have to pay for a traditional WIFI hookup in your home. Some telcom companies will even provide a tablet for you for little or nothing. Just dial 611 and ask.

Furthermore, one needs to be able to bookmark important articles, which is often difficult or cumbersome on smartphones. And if you don't bookmark important articles and web sites, the chances are you will not find them again when you need them.

If you were to go back to college, would you just use a smartphone only? Not if you valued your (expensive) education. So, why is surfing the Internet any different?

By the way, everything in college is already on the Internet. Traditional colleges will teach you tons of useless and worthless information in addition to what your main interest is (and for a high price.) And by the time you graduate, what they taught you will all be outdated. In affect, you will be starting all over again, diploma in hand.

Make use of the Internet now. Most of it is FREE! How much do you value your continuing adult self-education?


Med Bed Treatments

NOTE: Do med beds really work? The claims are impressive. Med beds are claimed to correct a patient’s medical problems to restore one’s body to its optimal state. If it is true, it no doubt is based on alien technology. Read these sites that question their present day existence. Both positive and negative perspectives are being presented here.

Let me play devil's advocate. Most drug companies are actually run by convicted fellons. They all have a long history of maiming and killing thousands of people with their drugs. They have also apparently been the ones responsible for the unexpected deaths (Deep State murders) of hundreds of biochemists and independent health practitioners. The Deep State's goal is to reduce the population, not to cure everyone so that they can live longer. This was the whole goal of the plandemic to reduce the population.

Of course, there is no concrete evidence of these murders, as they are all cloaked in mystery and coverup. But these companies stand to lose billions of dollars when any new alternative health practice is introduced. So, if med beds really exist, why haven't there been similar mystery deaths among the med bed producers and those that promote them?

Possibly because they don't really exist, despite supposedly being used for several years now by the military. And why wouldn't these med beds be installed in all of our VA hospitals first? And where are the testimonials to their effectiveness? And why are the White Hats not leaking this information through established credible sources, as they do on other behind-the-scenes military activities? Here is the latest on med bed installation in one location. YouTube videos are here. Read this recent positive update on the subject.

The beds can replace or grow limbs and organs.

For those who have a prosthesis, the prosthesis will be removed in bed and dissolved so beneficial healing can take place.

Surgery in the hospital bed will give immediate results. For example, a baseball pitcher who needs surgery may be in a medical bed and ready to go on the field immediately after treatment. They’ll be really ready to go before they wake up and roll out of bed.


Beds can reverse the damage inflicted by B4 K/a, however beds that are not empty and have a natural wound, their wound will take precedence.

Bed Meds treat all kinds of heart diseases.

Addiction can be cured. But people will still have to figure out why they are addicted in the first place.

The beds will dissolve any surgically added grafts and repair the damage, returning the body to a healthy state before the problems started.

The medical bed not only heals the damage caused by chemotherapy, but also restores the body’s overall health by removing all abnormal tumors.

NOTE: Med bed-type treatments are starting to become available. Check this one out using scalar waves. And here.


Search Engines




When anyone says the word "search engine," the name that immediately comes to mind is "GOOGLE." But the fact is that there are dozens of search engines. But most of them are obtaining their search results from Google, too.  

If you are searching for anything the least bit controversial, you can be assured that it will be censored. There is only one search engine that seems to be truly independent, and that is the Russian search engine, YANDEX.

Watch this video about how the Internet is totally controlled.

Last, but not least, if you are not on Facebook, you are living under a rock. You either have an unaddressed fear of people finding out about you, or you simply cannot deal with reality.

One third of the world is on Facebook, including people in third-world countries who have no access to the Internet. You do not need to give your real name or provide a picture. You can have as much privacy or publicity as you desire - or as little.

There is enough educational content on FB to keep one busy all day long no matter what your interests are. There are groups for every subject imaginable, and equally educational or entertaining videos and reels to watch, too. A reel is a 60 second video on almost any subject.

So, what are you waiting for? It's free!

Oh, and don't forget to make use of the latest online innovation: ChatGPT

You can find information on any subject in the world by simply talking (typing) to it like it is a human being. It will give you a report in seconds that would otherwise take you hours of Internet searching to find. It is NOT, however, guaranteed to be accurate. Always verify it's findings before publishing anything from there.





Do you need to jump-start your life? Is your job not going anywhere? Have you lost your job as so many have?

There are time proven solutions to these problems. And they are all free. You only need to do 2 things.

First, learn from those who have studied the secrets to success.

Second, take action to put what you have learned into reality.

You don't need to go back to school to earn a higher degree. There is no correlation between formal education and success in life. And success in life is not measured in income alone.

Learn the secrets of true happiness. Everything one could ever want or need to know is actually online. And most of all it is free - and biblically based!

JFK, Jr.

Yes. JFK, Jr. was never on that doomed plane. He, his wife and her sister are alive and well. And he now has 3 children. Check out the pictures on this site.

Watch the Project Looking Glass video here.

He was chosen decades ago to continue the work of his late father, President John Fitzgerald Kennedy (JFK) — and now, also that of Donald J. Trump, who promotes the exact same ideals as former President JFK. He will be introduced to the world at just the right time as Trump's Vice President. It will be Trump's ultimate "trump card."

Wait until you see what is going to happen then!

Updates here, here and here and here and here and here and here and here and here and here  (JFK).

Also, check out JFK, Jr.'s GEORGE magazine. In the new issues of GEORGE magazine are articles by Pastor Bob Joyce (AKA, Elvis Presley.) Watch him live on GEORGE VIDEO, too.

Who is this man? He died in 2021. JFK X: Solving the Crime of the Century



Whether one should vote or not is not clearly defined in the Bible or in most constitutions. For much of the world, the voting process itself is corrupt and the choice of candidates boils down to a lesser of two evils. Some suitable independents may also be on the ballot, but the chances of them being elected are usually slim to none.

God says that He picks our world leaders, so maybe we should simply rely on His judgement rather than being coerced to participate in an evil system. It's up to us individually to decide whether to participate or not.

NOTE: Things may change once the new QVS Quantum Voting System is installed by the White Hats and/or military. There will be no fraud under this system.


Nuclear Bombs May Not Exist

Astonishing as that statement may seem, the fact is there has never been an independently documented nuclear blast from a bomb. The cities Hiroshima and Nagasaki were probably both bombed with the exact same fire bombs used in other parts of Japan, burning all of the wood structures. 

But the fear of nuclear bombs is the key component. And that is why all major countries of the world claim to have them. And that fear in itself is further proof that most countries are "controlled" and not truly independent from each other.

Be advised that any "pre-emptive" nuclear strike may well involve conventional bombs or missiles of significant magnitude and should not be taken lightly. But there will not be any residual radiation involved (though governments may well claim that there is in order to keep the myth alive.)

A new type of weapon may well be more dangerous than the imagined nuclear bomb. And that is one where the conventional blast energy is "directed" in one direction only. A weapon of that configuration, set off under sea and hundreds of miles away from its intended target, could produce a tsunami a quarter of a mile high. That in turn would wipe out all land and people inland for several miles. Watch this video. And this one, too. Also, Miles Mathis' latest article on non-nukes.



Military detention, tribunals, executions, and imprisonments are being held here. Lists of people brought there so far are here and here, here, here, here, here, here, and here. Most are unverified until the military goes public with it's activities, expected in the summer of 2023. Biden, Harris and General Milley are to be charged with treason

The latest to hang for his participation in the genocide is the former Surgeon General, Jerome Adams.

Military law is running the U.S. now and precedes the Constitution and Supreme Court Law. Watch Derek Johnson. Then look for his articles here and here. We are in a military occupancy.

Only U.S. citizens are given the "privilege" of having a one-day military tribunal. Non-citizens are simply shot on the spot.

Read the list of certified arrested and executed people in this comments section.

Still skeptical? Read this.

Watch this extraordinary Trump documentary, THE GREATEST SHOW ON EARTH.

Donald Trump - The Outlier (Full Documentary)


Where Are God's ProphetsToday?

For those few who have read the Bible cover-to-cover you know that in the Old Testament God sent prophets to the people and to the leaders of nations, urging them to repent of their many sins. Most did not listen to the prophets and God took vengeance against them and their nation.

But where are today's prophets? The leaders of our various religious groups and organizations should be urging repentance and proclaiming the sins of the people. But few are preaching that message. Feel-good and non-biblical messages are the norm.

But actually the prophets of old gave messages for two time periods. Their own time period and also for in the future. Like maybe the future end times?

Most households have a Bible with all of the information needed in it to understand history and to understand God. God is still speaking to us through His word today. We simply are not listening to Him because we have chosen not to read the Bible cover-to-cover. And we will all eventually pay for the consequenses of our actions or lack thereof. My people are destroyed for lack of knowlege. Hosea 4:6. Read Antecedents to Bible Prophecies.



NESARA/GESARA is the world's most important plan to bring peace, prosperity, and wealth to all citizens of the world in our immediate lifetime. It is coming soon under the new Trump administration. It was originally to be announced on September 11th, 2001. But the horrific events of that day overshadowed it.

This is its history. This is what it will entail, including the retraining of all judges and attorneys in Constitutional Law. It is expected that those that are presently wrongfully convicted (estimated to be 20% of the prison population) will be given a chance to prove their innocence. While such provisions are provided now, they do not work in the corrupt environment that presently exists.

Read about possible benefits for everyone. Watch these videos. And this video. More articles can be found here and here on AMGLatest announcements here and here and here and here and here and here and here and here and here and here and here and here and here and here and here for the Yandex search.

Read this recent article on the history and future. Read the latest articles by economists who understand NEASAR/GESARA, and this one on crypto and bank accounts. Read this PDF on redemption centers.

Watch these videos and this video which documents NESARA in government documents.


I highly recommend the movie, THRIVE II. It covers the issues of today that affect all of us and the hidden secrets that are available now.

Covered are free energy devices that work right now, and simple healing procedures covered up by the medical industry.


Marriage, Divorce, and Living Together

It is surprising what the Bible says about marriage, divorce, and living together. What most churches teach and what the Bible really says are often two different things. Women have a special place in marriage. Read this link before making a major decision. And this one and this one, which goes even deeper.

Check out Jedediah Bila's insightful videos on men and women. Also, check out Courtney Ryan's videos. Masculine Mastery is here.



(Allopathic Medicine)

The allopathic health system is satanic (referred to and condemned in the Bible as "pharmakeia" and here) and is fraudulent in nature. Apologetic defense of it by citing "emergency medicine" successes does not justify it's continued extistence for non-emergency treatment. The two are distinctly separate subjects. Even emergency medicine could be practiced in a more natural and holistic manner if we were to properly research it. But as it stands, it still saves many lives.

The "Garden of Eden" alkaline foods were designed by God to give Adam and Eve both eternal life and good health, but are ignored and denigrated by the medical industry to this day.

Most people believe everything the medical industry tells them, which is why pharmacuetical TV ads for dangerous drugs are so prevalent and effective. Ironically missing are TV ads for the various vaccinations, as TV regulations require a complete disclosure of all side-affects. No one would take them if they were told the real truth.

The Bible says we can eat anything. But how long do you want to live?

My people are destroyed for lack of knowlege. Hosea 4:6


Middle Class Repentance


What exactly do we need to repent of? Here are just a few of the more serious sins committed by many people in the United States and around the world.

If you elected to vote in the past, did you only vote for the perceived lesser of two evils (as most do,) totally ignoring the candidates that are not aligned with any evil groups? The lesser evil is still evil. And today we have pure evil politicians on both side of the fence.

Do you patronize the biblically condemned evil pharmakia/allopathic medical industry for your health needs? Do you adhere to their deceptive advice on phantom pandemics? Do you take their disease and death-causing vaccinations and drugs? Do you force your children to take them?

Do you keep the popular contemporary Christian holy days that are pagan in origin and were never kept by the early Christian church  and are insulting to God?

Worse, do you close your eyes to the child trafficking and unspeakable torture business, which is more lucrative to the evil criminals than the illegal drug business?

The Bible is historically replete with continuous cycles of sin-punishment-repentance-forgiveness-prosperity since the beginning of time. When will our true repentance begin?

And what are many of our top commentators relying on for validation of their predictions; dreams, divination, non-biblical prophecies, so-called biblical codes, and numerology. All of the demonic sources God forbids in the Bible. And then there is the ultimate catch-all, claiming we are now living in the end times. We're not even close.

Then if my people who are called by my name will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, I will hear from heaven and will forgive their sins and restore their land. 2 Chronicles 7:14 NLT

My people are destroyed for lack of knowlege. Hosea 4:6

The Biggest Conspiracy EXPOSED



Kingdom of God

Of all of the subjects on this page, this is undoubtedly the most important. God's ultimate plan is that we will all be saved and become a member of the God Family. But not all of us will achieve that at the same time. Read about the Kingdom of God here.


Rebuilding the Temple


There are many events that must happen during the end times. Foremost is the reconstruction of Solomon's Temple. This event can only happen once historians understand its true location, which is one third of a mile south of the Wailing Wall in Jerusalem, over the Gihon Springs. 

It is not located anywhere near the Dome of the Rock or the Wailing Wall, a major point of religious contention among the three major religions. Jesus Himself said that not one rock would remain upon another, which is the exact description of the Wailing Wall.

There are no immediate plans to rebuild the Temple in the popularly perceived location (near the Muslim holy sites,) as such an event could potentially start World War III. Watch this informative video and also here and here and here and here.

Interestingly enough, what might still be buried under the Temple could be of significant importance.


End Times


We are not in or even near the "end times" as described in the book of Revelation and other books of the Bible. Many different Middle East events must occur within a 7 year time perod, including a period of extreme prosperity known as the "Golden Age." The apostles, if they were still alive, would be fooled by the Antichrist in this Golden Age era. The only prophecy to ever be fulfilled to date was the creation of the state of Israel in 1948.

Read Antecedents to Bible Prophecies and End-Time Prophecies.

Reading the Bible

The Bible is God's communication and instructions for us today. It reveals the history of the world, tells us who we really are, and tells us what our final destination really is. Even though it is the most popular book ever written, most people have never read the Bible cover to cover.

Maybe now would be a good time to start? Reading just 2 pages a day is a good pace for both speed and comprehension. The New Living Translation (with large print) is easy to read.

Before you start reading the Bible, you might want to read Brian Butler's book, WHO AND WHAT IS GOD. Mr. Butler was a student of Dr. Ernest L. Martin in college.

Also read, ABC's of the Gospel and Essentials of New Testament Doctrine.

My people are destroyed for lack of knowlege. Hosea 4:6


The Bible says all were saved before the foundation of the earth. All will eventually become part of the God Family for eternity. But not all will be resurrected into the Kingdom of God at the second coming of Christ. Read these articles.

This is perhaps the most important message that people need to know at this time. Jesus instructed the apostles to teach it. There is nothing you have to do to "get saved." You already are. Whether you will be in the Kingdom of God at the first resurrection is a different issue and is dependent on your character and lifetime activities.

Those that cling to the heaven/hell doctrine need to understand the parable of Lazarus. Christ spoke to the masses in parables, not literally.

We do not go to heaven or hell when we die. We go to sleep until the time of our resurrection.

Click here to see which resurrection you might be in.



Are you having trouble sleeping at night? Have you developed unexpected diseases or medical conditions since the beginning of 2020? It may well be the result of the recent telcom 5G technology upgrade.

An expensive technology that no one ever requested, this worldwide technology was introduced at the exact same time as the so-called COVID pandemic. And that was not just a coincidence, either.

5G is in fact a weapon that is capable of operating on a very wide range of microwave frequencies. It's range is only about 1,000 feet, so many repeaters are necessary. 5G phones are not recommended.

And what do we all have every 1,000 feet? Street lights. Especially the new LED lamps that will rebroadcast the nefarious 5G signals quite nicely. If you are technically minded and want to know exactly what is inside the street lights, watch this video.

Much research has gone into the 5G technology by independent checkers. Click here, here, and here to find out what these deadly transmissions are capable of and how they relate to the pandemic.

If you can't sleep, try playing your favorite music all night at a low level. Amazingly, this seems to help.

UPDATE: The "zombie" factor in the shots may soon be activated.


Oldies Music

In the early 2000's, I became the manager for Greg Topper, the Orange County King of Rock 'n' Roll. He played 50's-60's-70's oldies music only and packed every venue he ever played in for over 55 years. This music was the golden era of rock 'n' roll, the age of innocent love-based dance music. Watch his music here.

It was the high point of my life, lasting 10 years as his manager, best friend, and then at the end, his caretaker.

I have composed 2 oldies playlists on YouTube of my picks of the best oldies music in the world. I hope you enjoy them:

The short version.

The long version.



To spank or not to spank... that is the question. The biblical answer may surprise you.

Download this free book, THY ROD AND THY STAFF, written by Samuel Martin, son the late theologian, Dr. Ernest L. Martin.


Wrongful Convictions

(Jury Duty)

Are you serving on a jury? Or are you being interviewed to be on one? Did you know that 20% of all convicted inmates are innocent? That means you have a one in five chance of participating in this evil.

Have you ever heard of Jury Nullification? Most haven't. Or they think it means something other than what it really means. It basically means that if you are on a jury and your gut tells you something is wrong with the trial you are sitting on, you have a right and a duty to render an innocent vote because either the law is wrong or immoral or there is an obvious conspiracy involved in the trial.

If that happens, your life could be turned upside down as you either do what you know is right and then get persecuted for it or you cave and live with the knowledge that you sent an innocent person to prison where they may well die in today's horrendous gulag/warehouse conditions.

Which will you choose?

Be sure to read about how the retraining of all judges and attorneys in Constitutional Law will happen under NESARA/GESARA Trump returns to office.


Dating, Marriage & Male Leadership

Is Marriage Now Dead? Is There a War on Masculinity? Where Are the Men?


One of the most frustrating activities that single adults face today is finding the right partner. Both men and women are unhappy with the present dating situation worldwide.

So, where do we turn to? Dating apps. Dating websites. Expensive match-maker services. Advice from friends and relatives. And then there is always the gym. Mr./Mrs. Right is bound to eventually show up there. We'll then connect and live happily ever after!

How about utilizing YouTube videos for some clarity on what is really going on?

In a recent effort to help a friend navigate this minefield, I came across a number of great videos where good, down-to-earth insight is conveyed.

(However, what is missing in most of these commentators listed below and in most people is a knowledge of the Bible and a fear of God. We don't understand who we are and what our final destination is.)

Like it or not, the man is the head of the biblical family and is the one who God holds responsible. God created the woman second to "help" the man, who was created first.

True equality between men and women will only occur when the Kingdom of God is created at the second coming. Ironically, the church has not only failed to preach these truths, but has itself surreptitiously jumped on the feminism bandwagon. This is why real (Alpha) men rarely go to church. Especially if they are men who study the Bible.

What this present dating dilemma has ironically brought to a head is the fact that men don't know how to be men. They have been so incredibly emasculated over time they don't see how the satanic theology of feminisim and gynocentrism has stolen their leadership role in both family and community leadership responsiblity. "Happy wife, happy life" is the saying that men universally joke about as they mistakenly hand over their testosterone to women, who in turn use it against them.

The terms Alpha and Beta (used below) are used to describe our manhood while obfuscating the more sinister brain washing of the male psyche over time. It's now time for all males to stand up and take charge. Become the (Alpha) example that (good) women can't live without, instead of being the (Beta) wimp that (many) women try to manipulate.

In a time of possible nuclear war, civil war, political turmoil and confusion, now is the time for real men to step forward and take the lead in our marriages, in our community, and in our nation. Undo the damage done by the satanic Deep State over the decades and reclaim what the leadership values God has given us. True leadership is just as lacking within the "Christian conservative patriotic community" as it is anywhere else in today's society.

Not listed in any particular order:

  1. YouTube Biblical Wives (YouTube)

  2. Emotions and Sickness (YouTube)

  3. Jedediah Bila Live (Jedediah Bila)

  4. Red-Pill Turmoil... (Jedediah Bila)

  5. Men Shouldn't Date These Women (Jedediah Bila)

  6. The Truth About Promiscuous Women (Jedediah Bila)

  7. Things Women Love But Will Never Admit (Jedediah Bila)

  8. Modern Women, Mysogyny, and the Matrix (Jedediah Bila)

  9. *Jedediah and Rollo Tomassi When Do We Do It? (Jedediah Bila)

  10. Decline of Relationships: Financial Risks and Secularism (Pearl Davis)

  11. The Red Pill, Men's Rights and Gynocentrism (Pearl Davis)

  12. The Problem With Most Christian Women (Pearl Davis)

  13. Women's Worst Fear Is Doing Too Much (Pearl Davis)

  14. Do Modern Women Deserve Loyalty? (Pearl Davis)

  15. Men Invest In Actions! Not Words! (Pearl Davis)

  16. Women Do Not Deserve to Vote (Pearl Davis)

  17. Pearl Daily (Pearl Davis, a Christian woman)

  18. Why Are Women So Angry? (Pearl Davis)

  19. Is Trad Life Wife Better... (Pearl Davis)

  20. High Value Men Cheat (Pearl Davis)

  21. The End of Marriage? (Pearl Davis)

  22. Bring Back Toxic Masculinity (Henry Makow)

  23. The Suzanne Venker Show (Suzanne Venker)

  24. 30-Something Women Worldwide Everywhere Are Blindsided by the Reality of Motherhood (Suzanne Venker)

  25. Emily W. King (Emily W. King)

  26. 5 Reasons Men Are Done With Dating (Emily W. King)

  27. Men. Women. Relationships. Surviving the Plague of Modern Masculinity (Paul Elam book on Amazon Kindle for $8.99)

  28. The Red Pill, Men's Rights and Gynocentrism (Paul Elam, Christian)

  29. Simpianity and the Jezebel Effect (Paul Elam, scripture quoted)

  30. Overcoming Women's Relationship Agression (Paul Elam)

  31. Paul and Karen Straugham with Pearl Davis (Paul Elam)

  32. Why Men Are Happier Than Women (Paul Elam)

  33. Paul Elam Videos on Various Topics (Paul Elam)

  34. Paul Elam Clips (Paul Elam here and here)

  35. Understanding Gynocentrism (Paul Elam)

  36. Pearl David with Paul Elam (Paul Elam)

  37. The Question of Marriage (Paul Elam)

  38. Red Pill Relationships (Paul Elam)

  39. Self-Actualization (Paul Elam)

  40. Family of Origin (Paul Elam)

  41. The Unplugged Alpha (Rich Cooper book on Amazon Kindle for $10.) The ultimate book for all guys to read and gals, too. (Note that his context is based on the evolution theory and not on the biblical creation. My position is that the Bible is the ultimate last word on any subject. Any two people contemplating a successful relationship must have a fear of God and a knowledge of scripture. I do not recommend Mr. Cooper's "spinning plates, take it or leave it" relationship advice that he gives to men on how women should be treated. The goal for men should not be to have unlimited sexual experiences with different women, but to have a lasting monogamous relationship with one partner consisting of important shared values, interests and goals. And the man should be the biblical spiritual leader which all look up to, not the man who takes advantage of women's weaknesses and lack of understanding.) That being said, this book is still excellent and highly recommended.

  42. Ladies Night... 26 Year Old Quits... 39 Year old Wants Family (Rich Cooper)

  43. Is the Church Responsible for Disobedient Women? (Rich Cooper)

  44. The Ultimate Dating Guide for Dating in Your 50's... (Rich Cooper)

  45. Birth Order - A Big Secret to Relationship Success (Rich Cooper)

  46. Why So Many Women Have Mental Issues Today (Rich Cooper)

  47. Why Successful 40+ Women Can't Find a Man (Rich Cooper)

  48. Boss Babe Gets The Truth About Her Marriage (Rich Cooper)

  49. 19 Things Your Dad Should Have Told You... (Rich Cooper)

  50. These Green Flags Make Woman A Keeper (Rich Cooper)

  51. How the Christian Pill Provides False Hope (Rich Cooper)

  52. The Big Secret Middle Age Women Keep... (Rich Cooper)

  53. 10 Ways to Keep Her Obsessed With You (Rich Cooper)

  54. 5 Eternal Truths About Women's Nature (Rich Cooper)

  55. 4 Clear Signs She Will Be A Good Wife (Rich Cooper)

  56. Why I Would Never Get Married Again (Rich Cooper)

  57. Women Perform Men as Entrpreneurs (Rich Cooper)

  58. 10 Brutal Lies Women Believe in 2024 (Rich Cooper)

  59. Seven Signs You Are A Sigma Male (Rich Cooper)

  60. Why Men Are Abandoning Religion (Rich Cooper)

  61. Why Marriage Is A Bad Idea Today (Rich Cooper)

  62. 32 Thing Men Must Stop Doing (Rich Cooper)

  63. Is There a War on Masculinity? (Rich Cooper)

  64. Why Men Like Comforting Lies (Rich Cooper)

  65. Ladies Night... We're Done! (Rich Cooper)

  66. Understanding Hypergamy (Rich Cooper)

  67. Why Most Men Are Betas (Rich Cooper)

  68. Entrepreneurs in Cars (Rich Cooper)

  69. Before the Trainwreck (Rich Cooper)

  70. The Unplugged Alpha (Rich Cooper)

  71. Rich Cooper Clips (Rich Cooper)

  72. Moffice Hours (Moff/Unplugged Alpha)

  73. How Your Emotions Can Literally Make You Sick (Legion of Men)

  74. Explosion of Leftover, Single, and Childless Women... (Legion of Men)

  75. Men Are Checking Out En Masse When They Learn About Women (Legion of Men)

  76. Why Sigma Males Are More Attractive Than Alpha Males (Wise Thinker)

  77. 10 Absurd Reasons Why People Cannot Stand Sigma Males (Wise Thinker)

  78. Why 80% of Autoimmune Sufferers Are Women? (Your Inner Child Matters)

  79. The Male Loneliness Epidemic Could Become A Threat To Society (Your Inner Child Matters)

  80. Why Modern Women Hate Godly Men (Disciple Elia)

  81. Emily Saves America (Emily Wilson)

  82. Are There Any Good Women Out There? (Emily Wilson)

  83. How Waiting Until Marriage Affects Our Marriage (Emily Wilson)

  84. 30 Non-Religious Reasons to Wait Until Marriage (Emily Wilson)

  85. Upgrade Your Most Attractive Masculine Trait - Modern Dating for Christian Men (Effective Purpose)

  86. The Alpha Female vs Sigma Female Personality Types (Digital Wonders)

  87. Here's Why You Shouldn't Live With Your Significant Other Before Marriage (Jordan B. Peterson)

  88. If A Woman Has These 10 Qualities, Never Let Her Go... (Stoic Legend)

  89. 5 Reasons You Should Not Have Sex Before Marriage (RelationShots)

  90. Where To Find a Good Woman (The Redpill Experiment)

  91. *A Good Woman Sent By God Will Be Marked By... (AGW for Men)

  92. Why Sigma Females Don't Compete Over Men (Queenly Quest)

  93. 12 Things That Sigma Females Do Differently... (Time Tested Advice)

  94. 8 Weird Habbits All Sigma Males Have (Wise Thinker)

  95. Modern Women Are Freaking Out... 63% of Men Have Left... (Man Guide)

  96. Every Man Needs To See This (Alexander Grace)

  97. Women Need to Date Older Men (Alexis G)

  98. Alexis G (Aliexis G)

  99. Ghosting (Yes, it's a thing)

  100. Matchmakers (On YouTube)

  101. Matchmakers (On Google)

  102. Only Mature Men Do These Things (Courtney Ryan)

  103. How I Woke Up to What I Didn't Know About Men (Sarah Dawn)

  104. Why Do Women Have Sex? (David Buss & Cindy Meston)

  105. Only 6.5 Men Out of 1,000 Are Getting Married (Better Bachelor)

  106. The Real Reason 90% of Men Are Lost in Life (The Diary of a CEO)

  107. Does Sex Before Marriage Affect the Marriage? (Marriage Helper)

  108. Sex Before Marriage Was The Worst Thing I Did To My Mental Health (Alana Arbuccy)

  109. Nurturing Your Husband Using Biblical Femininity (Anna Dysett)

  110. 7 Sexual Sins Condemned by the Bible (Bible Beacon)

  111. 10 Signs That Show You Are A Classy Lady (Women of Elegance)

  112. The Bible Says A Woman Will Be A Curse Rather Than A Blessing If... (Mark Ballenger)

  113. Sex Before Marriage - Christian Perspective (Amy Jane)

  114. Female Voting - And Why They Shouldn't (Yandex search)

  115. Women Against Feminism and Should Women Vote?

  116. Things I Learned From Dating Billionaires (Nastya Swan)

  117. Women Having Authority Over Man Is Why We Failed (Lexi Girl)

  118. How to Choose a Career as a Christian Man (Marl Ballenger)

  119. An Interview With Michael O'Neill (Barbara O'Neill's husband)

  120. Sexual Sins That God Condemns in Marriage (Beyond The Verses)

  121. What Happens in the Spirit World When You Go to Bed With Someone (Sacred Revelations)

  122. Slavery of Men by Women (Facebook post)

  123. Marriage, Divorce, Living Together, and the Bible (Dr. Ernest L. Martin)

  124. Marriage and the Family in the Resurrecton (Dr. Ernest L. Martin)

  125. Jump-Start Your Life (Ken Nagele)

  126. Where to Meet Conservative Women (YouTube)

  127. Unvaccinated Dating

  128. Unvaxxed Unjabbed Vegan Singles (Facebook)

  129. The Right Stuff (Dating app for conservatives. It might be a flop where are the conservative women?)

Questions to Ask BEFORE the First Date:

  1. Are you anti-vax?

  2. Are you anti-feminist?

  3. Do you believe in prenups?

  4. What do you do for a living?

  5. Do you have or want children?

  6. Are you politically conservative?

  7. Are you on any antidepressants?

  8. What do you think of Pearl Davis?

  9. Are you an independent Christian?

  10. Do you believe in home schooling?

  11. Are you married or in a relationship?

  12. Have you read The Unplugged Alpha?

  13. Are you an Alpha, Beta or a Sigma?

  14. How many relationships have you had?

  15. Have you read the Bible cover to cover?

  16. Do you believe that we all answer to God?

  17. Have you read any self-improvement books?

  18. What non-profit groups do you participate in?

  19. Do you have any tattoos, botox, or piercings?

  20. Do you believe in separate checking accounts?

  21. Do you believe in separate sleeping accomodations?

  22. Do you believe in eating natural organic alkaline foods?

  23. Do you believe that the man should be the head of the family?

  24. Do you believe in Deep State arrests, tribunals and executions?

NOTE: The chances of anyone giving all satisfactory answers (in your opinion) are minimal. But even if they are close, you have probably found someone worth meeting.



Baltimore Bridge Collapse


ALL of the video links combined (below) prove that the Baltimore bridge collapse was a terrorist attack very similar to 9/11. If you still don't understand what REALLY happened on 9/11, please check out my page on that subject. NOTHING you were told was true.

  1. SG Anon File 73 False Flag Baltimore

  2. General Flynn Weighs In "This was a Black Swan event."

  3. Lara Logan Cyber Attack

  4. War Correspondent Cyber Attack

  5. Real Raw News Unmanned at Time of Collision

  6. Clayton Morris Something Big Is Happening


ASK Updates... That Never Were

First, let me say that I have always had the utmost respect for Dr. Ernest L. Martin. If ever there was a man whom I considered to be inspired by God, it was him. From the first public meeting he held at the Pasadena Hilton in the mid 70's, to the many lectures he provided over the years in the Pasadena area, I feel privileged to have attended every one of them.

Second, with that said, I never expected that everything he taught would be perfect. One man can't know everything. But I do believe that had "Doc" continued to live and grow in grace and knowledge as he had been doing, he would have eventually written the following articles/subjects much differently.

Thirdly, I (and many others) feel disappointed that the present ASK Director has failed to address these articles over the last two decades. These articles are critical to our understanding of world events today. They are relied on by many people including one African fellowship group. The ASK Director has even used the phrase, "Iron sharpens iron..." But I see no evidence of this actually being practiced since he took over after Dr. Martin's death.

Not listed in any particular order, I am keeping my commentary purposely short by utlizing hyperlinked articles. Few read lengthy articles any more:

  1. What is Grace? and "Our Destination" The Final Destination of God. Dr. Martin does a good job of pointing out the difference between salvation and the Kingdom of God, along with many other related aspects. However, the issue of the difference between the Kingdom of Heaven and The Kingdom of God is not as clear as it should be. But the important issue of just who will be selected to be in The Kingdom of God and how many will be there is lacking in understanding. Nowhere does the Bible state that there will be millions of transformed people in it (as stated in an article by the ASK Director) and nowhere does it say you will be accepted into the KOG simply because you claim to be a Christian and once read an article on the KOG. The very idea is absurd, not to mention that Christ elaborated on who would be accepted. He stated that FEW would be accepted and that it would be hard to enter. How many are being saved from the end-time tribulation in Jerusalem alone? How about 144,000. Will you be selected?

  2. Articles on the military, fighting in an army, and the world power structure are covered in many ASK articles. None of them are accurate. It is mentioned in one article that "one can participate in a just and legal war." Really? Why is there no scripture quoted to prove that? And why did Christ say, "...they that take the sword will perish by the sword." Can anyone tell us which war was ever just and legal? The fact is that all wars are set-ups. Christians are then drafted to fight them sometimes against other Christians. Neither soldier wants to be there and has no real desire to kill the the guy on the other side. And who is really conducting and financing these wars? These issues are NOWHERE discussed in any ASK articles. They are, however, discussed here, here and here on this site.

  3. The subject of voting is discussed in numerous ASK articles. The idea of voting is great if the election is honest. Does anyone know of a country where that actually happens? Do you think the evil power structures around the world suddenly become honest at election time and play by a set of rules? Of course not. And what do most people vote for? How about the "least of the evil candidates." But they are still voting for evil, even though there are some honest candidates on the ballot. But those candidates get very few votes, so why "waste" our vote on them? Better yet, why do we even participate in this futile practice in the first place, allowing the evil people to manipulate us by us giving credence to their corrupt system under the guise of "doing our civic duty"? But wait. Doesn't God choose our leaders, good or bad? Yes! So, why not just let Him decide while we keep our conscience clean? By not voting at all, we are in effect voting for truth and justice to prevail.

  4. Healing and the use of vaccines is addressed in some ASK articles. What is NOT addressed is the truth about good health and the evil of vaccines. Yes, you read that right. Nowhere in the Bible does it say to inject people, especially our young innocent children, with deadly vaccines. It is the modern day equivalent of child sacrifice. But what about healing? Yes, God can heal. Why He chooses to heal some and not others still remains a mystery. But the Bible does discuss how to achieve good health. It is your choice to decide how healthy you want to be and how and when you want to die. All of this knowledge has been withheld from the ASK community. How many have needlessly become sick and died — or are dying? It happened in ancient Israel, as 70,000 innocent people died because of King David's sin. And now billions worldwide are dying. Was ASK complicit in this genocide by denying health education that was so clearly available in many different websites?

  5. The subject of repentance is covered on several ASK articles. What is missing are some of the exact things that we may need to repent of. We wonder why we have such turmoil in the world. We wonder why God doesn't just stop it. What have we done to deserve life's hardships? Maybe it is time they be spelled out in black and white.

  6. Last, but not least, we have the esoteric subject of UFOs. Dr. Martin's original article was typical of Christian articles of the day. UFOs were considered nothing but demonic entities. While there may be some demonic interaction with some of them (as also happens with humans,) aliens are simply an earlier creation than us. They still play into God's creation and the intergalactic power structure. As the Bible says, we see through a glass darkly. There will be NO official disclosure of the governments interaction with them in this lifetime. Alien abductions are a real thing, as are cattle mutilations. The U.S. Space Force is real and utilizes advanced alien technology. It has been around for decades, but only recently was it made public and legal under President Trump's tenure. More UFO information is here.

Jesus gave the apostles instructions to do just two things: heal the sick and preach the Kingdom of God. For some reason, ASK can't or won't do those two simple tasks.

By not linking and promoting this site (the Associates Online or some other similar site,) the life saving health information for good health were denied to both the visitors and the community of ASK supporters, including life threatening information on vaccinations, the planned pandemic, and the life saving detox information for those who took the shot.

Is this murder by omission? Not only are we not healing the sick, we are creating the sick and even killing them by withholding life-saving information.

And the ASK site is Christian?

So, there you have it. Attempts over the years to develop some kind of repore with the ASK director have been futile. He seems to live in a fantasy world of his own. I no longer see any "fruits of the spirit" that the Bible says to look for and which I saw at one time decades ago. So, I leave it up to God to deal with now.

You decide for yourself what is true and what is not. And what is of God and what isn't. It's your life.


Ken Nagele


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